8 Must Have Habits For Attaining Better Work-Life Balance
Life has become hectic than ever after the modernisation and technology has conquered every arena.
The 9 to 5 job has inadvertently become 9 to 9 job for many people and amidst juggling with multiple responsibilities at work and personal life, many have actual lost the equilibrium between these two. Better work-life balance has become a myth for many and thereby, they are always stressed and worried both in personal and professional space.
Many studies have revealed that working people who try to pursue the balance tend to fail miserably due to poor management of activities in any or both of the personal or professional streams. These days people have made it a trend to work on weekends from their homes. This is the basic reason why personal life of people has destroyed. Even after having a long and tiring day at work, if you bring work back to home, then you will possibly miss out dinner with family or watching some TV shows with them. In your endeavour to be highly productive at workplace, you are missing out relaxing moments with your family even though it can’t be denied that you are well handling all the responsibilities endowed on you.
If your immediate goal is to attain an equilibrium between your work and personal space for a stress free life, then read these 8 must-have habits for attaining better work-life balance:
1. Know Your Limits & Adhere To Them
Your body has its own limits. Your body is not capable of enduring limitless physical and mental strain. Having an imbalance in work and life can pose a danger to your health in the long term. Tune your mind and body in a way that you devote yourself equally between work and life while being within limits. It is always better to plan how much time and energy you can allocate to both the important spheres of your life and it is even more important to respect your limits so that you don’t get over strained.
2. Imagine Your Ideal Quality of Life
One of the basic steps to attain better work-life balance is by imagining the quality of life you desire. Most of us in fact, don’t even have the time to think about how to raise our standard of living not in monetary terms but in terms of peaceful and contented life. Peace, content and happiness comes from nurturing our values and relationships and placing them on priority in comparison to our work life. We must never let our work life ruin our personal space which can be difficult to mend later. So start painting a picture of how you want to shift your chaotic lifestyle into a peaceful one.
3. Strictly Spare Time For Your Loved Ones
It is mainly your family and friends who will notice that you are unable to strike the chord between your personal and professional space. They are the first ones to tell you that you are over working. Despite you being unable to spend a good chunk of time with them, they will still try to spend more of their time seeking your attention and will always support you for being a hard worker. When you have some positive source of motivation in your life, ensure that you give back some amount of your precious time to make them feel loved and respected.
4. Escape From The Robotic Routine
You get mentally exhausted by following the monotonous routine without sparing time for your personal life. Make sure to frequently escape from this routine to give yourself a rejuvenating change. Go on outings with friends or family to spend relaxing time with them. You can be assured that none of your co-workers or boss is going to miss you at work. Whenever you come back to office, there will be work ready for you as usual. But you will never get these opportunities where you can enjoy with people you love to the fullest.
5. Associate With People Who Encourage You
Find and associate more with people who know you well and who have seen you going through ups and downs in life. Maintain good relations with such people who have stood by your side at all times and were companions even in failures. Those people are your true mates for life. Be sure to surround yourself with such people who engulf you into a positive cocoon and who strive to bring out the best in you.
6. Limit Using Gadgets
You never understand how many whopping hours you actually spend with laptops, televisions, smartphones, etc. You get distracted by those social networking site notifications or random surfing during your working hours and also you may end up watching television for the whole evening. This is a significant reason why people work for more than 8 hours a day while also not being able to socialise with family and friends. So give some rest to your eyes and fingers and enjoy the life without gadgets.
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7. Get Socially Involved Too
Alongside your friends and family members, socialise with people outside too. Join some excursion groups, yoga classes, cooking or hobby classes or cricket or baseball clubs, etc. This kind of socialisation helps you in interacting and building contacts with new people and is a knowledge sharing experience. Your mind and body requires such kind of change so that you explore life with a new perspective.
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8. Keep Analysing Your Involvement In Work & Personal Life
It is usually advised to forget the past and move ahead but it is good to look at the past just to know where you had started and where you are now in terms of maintaining relationships at work and personal space. You come to know whether you have achieved what you had planned earlier or how you have controlled the circumstances to the best of your interests. If you keep analysing by comparing your past with present, then surely you will be able to devise plans to make suitable amendments in order to achieve better work-life balance.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.