Why Women Should Stay Away From Stress During Pregnancy?
One of the best feelings that a woman can ever feel is when she carries a life inside her womb. No one ever knows what kind of conversations and bond sharing things happen between a mother and her unborn child. A woman is emotionally high during this phase of 9 months and not only she needs care from her spouse and family members, she also needs to take care and have knowledge of what affects her child adversely. It is said that the seeds of health are planted in the foetus itself and the health of unborn child must be strictly observed to ensure that the child enjoys best of health for the rest of his/ her life.
Medical studies have revealed that despite providing best of nutrients through the placenta to the child, there are chances that the baby’s liver, kidney, heart, brain, etc won’t function properly. This is because of the mother’s hormonal imbalance. The reasons for hormonal dysfunction is consumption of alcohol, cocaine, caffeine, tobacco, etc., that have been studied as harming the emotional and physical health of the baby. One of the main concerns that affect the hormonal activities is excessive stress or mental trauma, which can cause deficiencies in the baby and this may even continue till the baby grows up.
If you are pregnant and want to keep enjoying this wonderful new phase of your life, then read why women should stay away from stress during pregnancy and focus on improving the special bond you share with your baby:
Stress Produces Cortisol Hormone
The stress and mother’s emotional state affects her unborn baby mainly due to over production of cortisol hormone. This stress hormone is manufactured within the body when we get stressed. If a pregnant woman experiences stress occasionally, then cortisol can be controlled within the body. But if the expectant mother is under stress constantly, then the body won’t be able to control the high amount of cortisol secretion. This may become a cause for high blood pressure problem. In fact, the excessive cortisol can reach the mother’s womb and can even raise the baby’s blood pressure. This may cause the baby to suffer from high blood pressure during adulthood.
Focusing On Stressful Issues Can Cause Deficiencies In Babies
During pregnancy, it is common for many women to suffer critically stressful circumstances such as divorce, physical or mental abuse, spouse’s infidelity, disinterested spouse in taking care of his wife and unborn child, etc. These pregnant women feel loneliness and shame in front of society and this develops stress that may even cause depression. This kind of situation can cause numerous deficiencies in the child that comes to knowledge later after its birth.
Babies Are At A Risk Of Suffering From Malnutrition
Apart from stress hormones, babies are exposed to toxins and malnutrition as the depressed mother is likely to have low appetite and the constant stress can affect her internal functions too. Studies have found that the result of malnutrition can be seen in babies that later become hyperactive, under-active, temperamental and have poor self-control. Even this babies can suffer from depression during teenage or adulthood and mostly the reason behind this is the malnutrition during the most important nine months that often go undetected.
Do Consult Your Doctor If They Recommend Psychological Support
If you are pregnant and during your visits to gynaecologist, he/ she advises you to take consultation for psychological support, then don’t say no. You may feel embarrassed or offensive thinking that your doctor referred you as a psychic, but grab some confidence and patience to say yes to the consultation for a stress free pregnancy and for a healthy child too. Doctors definitely understand your hesitation but it is you who must first know that stress is actually killing your unborn baby’s health.
Baby Can Suffer From Many Imperfections
Stress during pregnancy can have permanent defects in the child’s external organs. Medical experts have revealed that constant stress during pregnancy can cause asymmetry in coordination of feet, fingers, ears, elbows, etc. This can also cause poor IQ level in the child and there are high chances of imperfections in development of nervous system affecting the child’s ability to think, concentrate, memorise and comprehend things.
While some mothers find the guts to tackle the stressful circumstances, others find themselves moving towards hyper depression. The best way to tackle stress is by bonding deeply with your baby and you can easily do this by following these interesting tips:
Play Soft Music
Soft and soothing music can have great effect on your cortisol levels and even on the baby. You can sing the song while it is being played and enjoy the moment with your baby. After baby’s birth, you will be surprised to see your baby respond well to the song.
Talk To Your Baby
Since the baby has become a part of your body and life, you must not ignore him/ her. Involve your baby in everything you do by talking. Tell your baby about your plans for the day, what you are cooking today, where you will be going, what are your welcome plans for him/ her, etc. This activity will keep your baby active in the womb while you will also get distracted from stressful situations.
Display Ultrasound Pictures
Keep your mind attentive towards your new family member by pasting the ultrasound pictures on the walls of your room. Look at the way your baby is growing inside and prepare a collage of it and tell your baby about his/ her growth. Only your baby should be on your mind during those precious nine months.
Touch & Massage Your Tummy
Touching and massaging your tummy helps in releasing soothing and calming hormones that keeps mood swings at bay. In the later stage of your pregnancy, you will get response in the form of kicking and that will strengthen the bond with your child.
Daydream About Your Baby
Stress captures your mind and deprives you of happy hormones. If you want to de-stress yourself, shift your focus on your baby and just relax on the bed or sofa and close your eyes. Daydream about you and your baby and imagine how the feeling would be when you will be taking the baby in your arms for the first time. Establish the emotional connection with your baby and soon your mind will feel positive.
Start Enjoying Life To The Fullest
Remember that this phase will always remain special for you only if you take good care of yourself and your baby. Your baby’s health foundation is in your hands and for the baby’s sake you need to laugh, smile and enjoy each moment of this special feeling. Prepare your daily routine by waking up early, going for a walk or perform some pregnancy yoga, eat nutritious food, stay active and above all, stay happy.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.