Why You Should Start Thinking Of A New Day As A New Beginning?
This post was last updated on August 10th, 2023
In the most logical terms, our beginning in this world was marked on our birthday and apart from celebrating this day, we even celebrate the New Year’s Eve to enjoy the beginning of a new year. We all believe that making resolutions on this day will enable us to follow it throughout the year and thereby, this day perhaps, becomes the only day when we wake up early in the morning, tend to finish our chores fast and spend time with family.
How every day is a new beginning?
But when you want to take determined resolutions, then why only the first day of the year? Any day is fine to take resolutions if you are really intending to follow them. If you think of waking up on the New Year’s day with smile, hope and positivity, then you definitely can do it for the rest of the 364 days. You just need small tweaks in your attitude and thought process. Every morning you wake up, think that you have just born and are grateful for another day of this life. Awaken in you the feeling of happiness by smiling and practising gratitude for all that you have and anticipate great things to follow the whole day.
List down your goals for today and start devising plans for their attainment. If you can do this everyday by thinking that you have started life afresh, then perhaps you are on the verge of making your life a successful one.
What does this life mantra teach you?
First of all, you must know that staunch determination is the basic criteria to start a new day as a new beginning. You must be stout minded to learn from your as well as others’ mistakes. Thereby, patience is the only key to live life to the fullest. When you graduate your high school, you are being told that you have your entire life in front of you as this is just the beginning. You finish your college life in your early twenties and rest of the twenties can be effectively spent if you think that this is just the beginning for your quest to earn happiness for a life time, lest you will repent wasting your youth when you grow old.
Life is full of challenges and you have to efficiently juggle your work and personal life responsibilities. You may make many mistakes but instead of losing your patience and quitting or waiting for the next best time, act now. This is the right time for performing actions. It is so magical that we sleep every night and welcome a new morning by God’s grace. Life is a precious gift and thereby thank God for sparing life to you for yet another day. Make most of today instead of procrastinating tasks for tomorrow. Nothing can limit you from making goals and accomplishing them. The inhibitions lie within you and all you need is to just patiently accept what life gives you by acting now.
What factors persuade you to think contrary to start living a new day as a new start?
When you start facing failures, you tend to get stressed and negative feeling take grip on your ability to think and take decisions. Unaccomplished goals and persistent failures can demotivate you if you are not a person who takes a new day as a new beginning and perceives that you must develop a new spirit each day to tackle problems with a new approach.
Moreover, one of the main factors that can divert your focus from your goals is comparing yourself to others. If you start getting envious of what others possess, then you will start losing precious moments of your life, which could have been otherwise used productively. No matter how much rich you become but there will always be people who will have something more than what you have. Your life’s happiness quotient will reduce every time you feel that others have more than you. Your aim must be to create and maintain happiness in your life by leaving the stress of the past day behind and starting your new day with new enthusiasm to concentrate on the dreams you want to attain for yourself and your near and dear ones.
Don’t forget to start appreciating the importance of this moment. People generally have the tendency to waste time dwelling in the past moments and events that will actually have no effect on their present and future actions. When you think of such events in the past that creates a whirlpool of negativity in your mind, then you are over thinking and this will cause stress and even depression. So start admiring present moments and make every moment useful by keeping yourself busy and active.
How much staunch your determination is?
Age is just a number. If you think that you have reached 50 and you are unable to take challenges or fulfil your long lost dreams, then it is actually accepting defeat. Never quit until you have tried your best and you try your best when you find new ways of attaining your goals. When you make resolutions, do you have the perseverance to actually attain them? Many times, we tend to lose our determination when our mind is not focused and becomes negative. Gradually, our motivation levels drop and instead of following our resolution with discipline, we start getting bored of it and we finally quit.
Remember that there is nothing in this world that can help in attaining your goals instantly You need to have patience, self-confidence, motivation and discipline to follow your action plan, which will enable you to bring a difference in your life.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.