Why Walking is a Good Idea for Increasing Lifespan?
I am sure none of us wants to grow old, which is virtually inevitable. According to a research by U.S. National Cancer Institute, it’s proved that staying physically active after the age of 40 can surely increase your lifespan adding two to seven years. Hence the longer you walk, the longer you live. Even if, the researchers have to say that doing just few minutes of physical activity a day can result in a notable increase in life longevity.
How it Works
A brisk walk for 30 minutes increases lifespan for sure. Researchers at University of Cambridge, studied that over 334,000 European men and women who spent 30 minutes every day for brisk walking actually added years to their life. The research also found that twice as many deaths may be are caused due to the lack of physical activity compared with the number of deaths due to obesity. Running or brisk walking has several health benefits that can slower the process of ageing. Several studies have claimed that exercising can reverse the ageing process and running is one of the best forms of workout one can do. Walking at moderate pace using the similar energy as intensive running can be much more useful in reducing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes risks.
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According to the Medical Research Council, doing workout equivalent to just a 20 minute brisk walk every day would take a person from the sedentary to moderately sedentary group and can lower the risk of premature death up to 16-30 percent. The researchers have found that a little increased physical activity such as brisk walking for about 75 minutes a week can add 1.8 years of life. That is a 19% fall in the risk of demising compared with not doing any workout. For those who spent 150 to 299 minutes a week for walking, which is the normal amount of physical activity suggested by the U.S. government, the benefit in life longevity was 3.4 years according to a survey. In fact more determined activity, such as walking up to 450 minutes per week can add extra 4.5 years of life. Hence, the bottom line is some physical activity is good and more is better.
Benefits of Walking
However, the existing exercise minimized death rates by 14% and each more 15 minutes of activity can further minimize the rate by 4%. This trend virtually came to spotlight until a person was working out for 100 minutes a day, after which no extra benefit was seen. More robust activity for shorter time period had the equal effect as lesser intensity exercise carried out for longer. Walking regularly has proved as protective effect or shield against cancer. People who are categorized as inactive had 11% of higher risk in dying of cancer than those in the lesser inactive group. Cancer deaths rate has fallen by 1% for each additional who had 15 minutes of daily exercise 15 minutes of regular walking. Benefit or extension in lifespan were seen in all kind of people, whether they had normal weight or overweight or even obese, according to the research. Walking not only extends lifespan and slows down the ageing process, but also increases cardiovascular and pulmonary heart and lung fitness, minimizes the risk of heart disease and cardiac arrest, manages high blood pressure, cholesterol level and diabetes, strengthens bones, activates immune system, reduces cancer risk, enhances skin quality, boosts up with energy and Vitamin D level and minimizes stress level and depression to much extent.
So guys, stop sitting and relaxing on your couch, rather go for a walk anytime you want, encourage your senior family members, grandpas and grandmas, even your parents. Increase your and your family member’s life longevity by walking more and more. Keep walking and keep living!!
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.