Why Pregnancy Soon After Marriage Is Not Wise?
Women usually get pregnant soon after marriage. Some believe it’s the right time and a good idea to get the responsibilities of kids right after a few months of getting married but is it a wise decision truly? Marriage which brings two different people together and unites two different families, is an ocean of responsibilities, understanding, adjustments, compromises and duties. Marriage itself is a big chapter in everyone’s life and so is the pregnancy. Being a wife you have so many duties to finish most importantly being a wise daughter-in-law. And in between this “wife and daughter-in-law” scenario do you think, you can depict another character of being a mother. Motherhood is beyond imagination and can’t be explained in words. It takes immense perseverance, dedication, love, selflessness and liability. So, this motherhood will take all your best into it and you will have to curb all your priorities for it. You can’t escape from it, even if you want because your love for your kid will be beyond this world. There are some reasons why pregnancy soon after marriage is not wise and a foolish decision. Here are they..
Marriage relationship will be fragile
Just imagine, after few months of your marriage you would be managing your kids and home simultaneously. But the equation between you and your husband would not be even fully bloomed because you didn’t get the enough time to discover it. You don’t know anything about your spouse and don’t even know the factors and gestures of love between you and him. All you know is changing diapers, washing clothes and cooking. Is that you need really?
Bad understanding
When you didn’t get time to know your spouse properly about his nature, his likes, his dislikes, his good memories, his weaknesses you will not be able to understand him properly. The conversation between every couple is very essential and that what your relationship would be lacking. No time for discovering each other’s interests. And after this, are you anticipating a nice and strong understanding.
No love and affection
Oh common, after all this do you think the love factor would be there waiting for you to recognise it someday? No, not at all. Why pregnancy soon after marriage is not wise because you will get so much busy in your household chores and baby duties that you would even forget yourself. And your spouse would only be earning enough money to run your house smoothly.
Conflicts and fights
This is obvious, where there is no love and affection, there would be conflicts and fights. Arguments will be a part of your life. You would be saying you didn’t get enough time to live your life, your ambitions, your dreams and don’t know what is real love. And your husband would be regretting over the baby making decision.
Chances of extra marital affairs
If your spouse won’t get enough love, compliments, physical pleasure from you there are maximum chances of your spouse getting involved in extra marital affairs which is definitely not a good idea.
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Financial conflicts
Financial crisis has got maximum chances to hit your newly parenthood life. When your spouse’s income would not be ample to meet all the needs of you and your kids you might plan to get back to the office which will lead you both to financial conflicts. This is the most essential reason why pregnancy soon after marriage is not wise.
Domestic Violence
When there will be no love, magic, romance, trust, understanding all you will get are conflicts, arguments, stress, anger which means domestic violence might knock at your door.
It’s totally obvious that when nothing goes well either wife or husband plans to move out and get separate ways. And for a permanent solution any of you could even think of divorce which might ruin your marital life and your baby’s future. And ruining each other’s life could never be your choice.
I am totally not against pregnancy and bearing child. But all you need to think is you would always want a secured marital life and most importantly a secured future for your baby. Having kids soon after marriage could make things quite complicating, stressful and worse. So, you could at least wait for 2 years to discover your love and romance completely before getting into a huge responsibility so that your marital life will stay babyproof forever.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.