Natural cow milk is the best to fulfill our dietary requirements in the form of various dairy products such as butter, ghee, cheese, and paneer. It is recommended to consume 2-3 servings of milk per day depending on the age of the individual. The benefits of this nutritious diet are being overlooked due to the myth surrounding the fat content of these foods. Some of the many benefits of fresh milk are as below:
Rich in Nutrients
Milk is a naturally available food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. The presence of so many nutrients in one source qualifies milk as a nearly perfect natural food. Even though milk is consumed after processing, it does not count as an engineered or manufactured product
The nutrients present in the milk are required by the human body for its various processes:
- Calcium is required for the maintenance of our teeth, gums, bones, tendons, and hair. The calcium present in the milk is absorbed by the body easily with the help of phosphorous, which is also present in milk. The presence of calcium and phosphorous in the right proportion is important for the proper bone structure and this ratio is the same as that present in the milk.
- Proteins are essential for the building and repairing process of our bodies and also to form antibodies to help fight infections. Milk contains proteins of high quality. Casein, primarily a milk protein, contains a large quantity of essential amino acids.
- The presence of Vitamins B2, A and D in the milk make it useful for good health. Each of these plays specific roles. Vitamin B2 is good for the skin and eyes. Vitamin A also helps in keeping the eyes healthy and maintaining perfect eyesight. Vitamin D works at keeping the heart fit and healthy.
Instant Energy and Muscle Repair
Consumption of cow milk for breakfast provides you with instant energy to carry out various activities for the day. It satisfies you, controls your hunger and reduces stress. The nutrients that you lose while doing strenuous activity are restored with a glass of milk. It also helps in the repair of muscles and tissues.
Burns Fat
Drinking cow milk actually helps to build muscles while slowing down the production of fat by the body. Considering that people believe milk to be high on fat content, there are varieties such as skimmed and low fat milk also available. Though not as nutritious as natural full fat cow milk, they do provide some nutrition to the body while keeping a check on the weight gain.
The variety of milk considered to be the most beneficial varies according to the availability in the region and is adapted accordingly. Freshly produced cow milk in Gurgaon would be well suited for those living in the northern belt.