It’s all about science. Hey, beautiful girls here’s an amazing news for you all who are striving hard to lose some weight to obtain the latest almost size 0 figure, to attract hot and sexy men. Many people and even women think that men love super thin skinny figures like stick models, but actually it’s proven that men crave for curves. Can’t believe me right? Okay find out the following reasons to believe this heartening fact.
#1. Men Fantasize Curvy Women
It’s now scientifically proven that men love curvy woman by scanning their brains were while viewing and fantasizing women with less or high ‘curves’. And the result was found higher rate for curvy shape women which were similar as taking pleasurable drugs.
#2. Men get attracted to Hour-glass shape
Anthropologists unveiled that cross-cultural men always prefer women having low hip-to-waist ratio, however the body weight doesn’t matters. The perfect hourglass shape attracts most men according to the recent study, which means a small waistline in proportion to hip and bust-line measurements. Yes the typical ’36-24-36′ figure worldwide!
#3. Curvy Woman with Reproductive Benefits
Every man who is a prospective dad wants a smart babe to give birth a smart baby. According to the recent study, women with thicker hips and thighs have a reproductive advantage. Extra fat in fatty areas contain omega-3 fatty acids DHA which breaks down the lower body fat during pregnancy making it exclusively available for the growing fetus for its brain nourishment.
#4. Women with curves are fit for reproduction
Women beyond their childbearing years sometimes lose their ‘curves’ to an extending waistline. Therefore a supposition of anthropologists has to say that the attraction to a woman’s ‘curves’ has to do with her healthy reproductive fitness.
Related: Why Do Guys Fall For Round Butts?
#5. Evolutional Theory
The general and old theory why men prefer large breasts has got a old relation to apes. When apes began to walk on their two legs, beasts were an indicator of when females were ready to copulate versus her bright colored ‘back end’ when she walked on all her fours. This isn’t sexy right!
#6. 8 out of 10 Men prefer curvy woman
Although the latest women fashion supports the emaciated size 0, but according to the research, men overwhelmingly admitted that they are most attracted to women who have curves, rather than skinny women. 80% of men between the age of 18 – 50 said they want a voluptuous plus size woman.
#7. Curvaceous woman are like drugs
The study on men’s brains which revealed that sexy curvy women are like pleasurable drugs for men, may have got some link to the addiction of porn. Just think!!
Related: Women’s Body Parts that Men Find More Seductive
#8. Active Men prefer Voluptuous Women
A research on men’s personality on the basis of women’s curves found that the men who date much more and engage themselves in masculine activities, like sports are more likely to prefer curvy gals. However, men who like thin gals with small breast and hips with skinny figure are considered to be more money oriented and fashion inclined.
So, women who are very much concerned about figure and plan for perfect diet to lose weight to impress their men and dates, don’t need to worry anymore. I m sure your man loves your curvaceous figure and will definitely get attracted towards you. It’s party time girls!!