Why Long Distance Relationships Fail Badly?
So, you’re (were) in a long distance relationship that brought you to this page. No need to feel bad, if things do not work out according to your expectations. Well, to be honest long distance relationships are not real because it takes you to a virtual world where you communicate with your partner online and hang on to the belief that you’re in love with your significant other and so does your partner. Long distance relationships are actually specifically designed to fail ultimately. Maintaining this entire process is not easy for most people as it take lots of efforts. There’s a natural tendency in humans that they love to live, believe and stay with what they see in real or in person. It becomes very miserable to define your love and maintain the pace over text messages, instant messaging, calls and Google hangouts. There are many reasons behind the failure of all long distance relationships. Let’s get into it.
1. Communication becomes mandatory
When you and your beau stay in different cities, states or even different countries communication becomes obvious to stay in touch with each other. Voice calls, text messages, video calls, instant messaging becomes the lifeline of your love relationship and you start depending on it, but soon it comes a burden. Calling your beau before leaving for office, while having lunch, a small work break call, a call before leaving your office and after reaching home. After few months you start disliking the entire call process and get irritated easily when you get calls or expected to make a call.
2. Loneliness emerges as culprit
Of course if you are in relationship you won’t take any other attraction calls. You stay alone wherever you’re and watching your friends and buddies with their partners can be real irritating and disheartening which ultimately makes you feel lonely. You live in a different environment and meeting new people is totally obvious and where you’re more of a lonely person you’re more prone to get attracted towards special personalities.
3. Getting used to it
Post few years of being in a long distance relationship, you get acquainted with it and when you get used to it you lose interest and the spark of your love gets vanished gradually. You feel no attraction towards your beau, you feel less responsible towards your partner and that is the reason why LDRs usually fail.
4. Lack of trust
When couples know that they are quite far away from their significant others no matter how they love each other and stay faithful to each other, if a single call gets missed they raise tons of doubtful questions in their mind which is the origin of deterioration of trust in their relationship. Even if they are told by their partners that they will be late from work and might not be present for video calling, the former will still start thinking all day suspecting their partners if they are involved with someone else.
5. Poor time synchronization
Staying apart can create many issues such as if one works at the day shift and another at the night then, it might be tough for the person to be present for the voice call at the day time due to his/her quality sleep. Sacrificing in love is a big thing, but in reality sacrificing sleep for love talk is quite a dream. Similarly if your beau is in a different country it is obvious there will be a huge time difference which means if you’re planning to make a sweet evening call then it might be a big rush time for your beau to attend a meeting.
6. Money matters the most
Two hours long voice calls, text messages, online chatting, Google hangouts can really affect your phone’s main balance and GPRS leading to long bills which might affect your budget. Your salary or your pocket money might not afford that huge toll and there you go for a late night out which is another serious reason why most of the long distance relationships fail.
7. Future becomes uncertain
When you are in a long distance relationship since a long time there are maximum chances that you might have lost that giddy interest and spark in your partner as well as love life. You might feel unsure about your relationship future, your career and job sync with relationship. Hence, your future becomes uncertain and you might be willing to get out of that relationship.
8. Priorities start fighting
You love your partner and your job too. Your meeting is as important as your video call with your partner on her/his birthday. You find it tough to make a choice and you get pissed off in between in your most important priorities of your life that are your job and love life. And when priorities start fighting with each other, you have to make a serious decision to choose one from both.
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9. Expectations kills love
It is natural that when we are in a love relationship we expect many things from our partner and when it’s long distance relationship, the list of expectations is little big. You expect you would get a call before you go to sleep, you expect a video call on your birthday, you expect your beau understand your situation and many things and when these expectations fail drastically there comes the end of the relationship.
10. Love can happen twice and so on..
It is factual that if one person has been in love once is more likely to fall in love twice or even more than that. When your environment changes, you can also feel the change in yourself too. You meet new people, know new people and some special ones create the imprint on your heart and mind who stay available in the time of your need and help you to get what you want. Naturally you find them sweet, attractive and loving and fall for them easily forgetting your former or current relationship which is the most crucial reason why long distance relationships fail.
11. Physical love is the vital need
Admit it or not, being in love brings a real need that is physical love. Love making or say it sex, people find it tough to live their life far away from their partners as they stay void of sex and physical love. When they need it badly, they go out of their relationship to seek what they want even from others and in most cases some fall in love with their sexual partners.
12. Lack of understanding create arguments
When your partner doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t understand your situation your issues and expand the list of expectations it gives rise to misunderstandings and lack of understanding in any relationship can give lead to brawls and arguments which might affect relationship adversely.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.