Why Do Soccer Players Wear Jerseys?
When we watch a football game, it is widespread to concentrate on how each team will play. Which of our favorite football players will be in the game, the fouls and the goals that each side will make more we will never think about the preparation that a football game entails and the clothes they prepare.
When you think about clothing, you think it would serve no purpose other than to dress them up and that the uniform would represent which team each one belongs to so that players and referees are not confused, but is the shirt worn by football players only for that reason?[cheap soccer jerseys]
The clothing of football players
Before we can explain anything, we need to know how each soccer player dresses before each game, how they prepare, what they wear that is not visible to the naked eye, what is not allowed to wear when they go to play.
The clothing of football players intends to be comfortable so that they have the necessary mobility without feeling uncomfortable because of the time they will spend inside a field. So the use of bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or watches is not allowed to avoid discomfort and not put their companions, or them, at risk.
With this in mind, those implements that can become used are shoes corresponding to the field on which you will be playing because all football shoes are not the same. The use of shin guards is of vital importance and is mandatory to avoid possible injuries during the game.
The shorts are mandatory for almost all football players. Their size allows for better movement on the field, and their synthetic material helps repel sweat; thermal or protective nets can wear next to the shorts, but they must reach above the knee and be the same color as the shorts.
The socks must cover the shin and calf and be a uniform color that matches the other players’ color so as not to clash. And finally, they should wear a sweat-repellent synthetic jersey and polyester, and some players choose to wear a sweater under their shirt.
Why do soccer players wear jerseys?
In addition to being a mandatory garment that will protect them from possible rubbing, sunlight, or keeping sweat away, wearing the right shirt will help them perform better in the game and perform better than expected by being comfortable and prepared.
Not wearing a T-shirt in a game of any kind can be a terrible idea with unfavorable results for the athlete. The T-shirt helps maintain the heat that the body produces and can respond correctly and adequately without getting cold or suffering other inconveniences.
The shirts worn by football players help distinguish them from each other since each shirt has the number they play with and their respective surname (or first name). To identify them; also, each shirt is different from the other and has a different color so that they cannot be confused with the opposing team.
It is also important to note that the team not only has a design for their shirts. But different designs create either to play as visitors, in their local stadium or to innovate the team’s image, so it is not common to see them play with a single uniform or that each player has a unique shirt.
Is there another reason for players to wear T-shirts?
As indicated above, the jerseys used quickly and easily identify each player from either his teammates or the opposing team. However, this is not the only thing that can visualize on a player’s shirt; there are other elements that, at first sight, are easy to distinguish.
The team’s colors and shields are elementary to distinguish and can see on the front of the shirt and those companies that sponsor the soccer team. Thus, it is widespread to see on football players the name (or logo) of several companies printed on their shirts.
Besides, some cups or competitions held for each club’s teams to qualify and win their trophy require each side to have the logo of the game stamped on the sleeves of the shirt.
Each of these logos or elements on the shirt does not always have the same color as the other prints, i.e., the player’s name may be in a different color to distinguish it from the brands it sponsors or make the name more comfortable for the referee to read.
How many jerseys do football players have?
Because soccer players often give away their jerseys either to their fans. Their family members, or to the players of the opposing team, who manage these teams must ensure that the number of jerseys is high to cover the quantity of sweater given away to anyone outside the organization.
However, this number of jerseys is not unlimited; it is finite; for large professional football teams, the number of jerseys would be around 130. They have an overall limit for all players so that they do not exceed it and generate more expenses.
So no matter how many fans they have, no matter how much they loved by their audience, whoever exceeds this set amount will have to pay the price of the shirt have decided to give away to avoid losing money or the clothes they wear every day.
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