What to Know Before you Buy Fire Resistant Boots?
Working in an industry may often lead to accidents and hazards. It is because the workplace may not be safe all the time. Sometimes it may be covered with heavy tools, junk, electric wires, slippery liquids and different things that may not be fit for walking smoothly from one place to another.
If you work in industries with high temperature or on the site which is in the region with extreme temperatures you need to switch to wearing safety shoes or fire resistant boots.
Yes, you heard it right the fire resistant boots. Along with the fire resistant clothing, fire resistant boots can also be found on FR Outlet. Use of safety boots is important during working in the industry as high temperature may lead to heat bumps and skin irritation on your body.
If your work includes the transfer of heavy loads from one place to another then there are chances, the heavy load fall on your feet and cause damage. It is better to switch to safety boots.
Now there are some norms while you purchase safety or fire resistant boots, what are they? Let us have a look.
Important Consideration Before you Buy Fire Resistant Boots
The fire resistant boots are mainly used to protect your feet from all the mishappenings. While buying the fire resistant boots you must take into consideration the comfort, durability, grip, protection and much more. In short, it is important to buy standard safety boots with the desired features that are detailed below:
- The first you should check while making a purchase of fire-resistant boots is that it must qualify the legal standards and is the best fit for your working environment. The footwear standards must be as per EN ISO 20345 standards.
- The material used in the shoes must be either leather or synthetic. It should be fit for indoor as well as outdoor use.
- The safety shoes must be fit for use in all the climatic conditions like sun, wind, snow, rain, heat etc.
- The fire resistant shoes must be able to withstand any kind of chemicals used in the industry and must possess high durability.
- The safety shoes just like fire resistant clothing must not be heavy and be light in weight so that the employees can move freely and with speed if required.
- Although the fire resistant shoes must be free from metal but metallic toe caps are very important. It should have steel toe caps in order to safeguard your feet in case of any kind of hazards.
- Riggers must be a part of the built-in design of your fire resistant safety boots. Riggers are nothing but a particular type of pull introduced in the sole. It was initially used by the workers of offshore oil rigs around the North Sea but they are now adopted globally working in different industries prone to hazards.
- Apart from riggers, other safety shoes can be listed clogs, Wellington etc. Each of these shoes is meant for use in different working conditions, temperature and atmosphere.
- There is a different range of safety footwear for women. So, consider buying women shoes in spite of using regular safety shoes for men. Women safety boots have a different style, design pattern and are designed keeping in mind all the safety perspectives. It has a toe cap, heat resistant midsoles and also supported with oil repellent feature.
Final Words
Most of the industries have made the use of fire-resistant outfit including footwear and clothes a compulsion. If it is not compulsory in your company, please consider using FR clothing and boots for your personal benefit. All the specification necessary for purchasing of safety shoes are described in the blog in detail.
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