The loud crunching of metal, exploding glass, and the unmistakable screeching of braking tires…if you hear any or all of these, chances are you have been a witness to a car accident. Whether on foot or behind the wheel there are some things you can and SHOULD do to help yourself and possibly the drivers and passengers involved in the crash.
Below is a list of things to do if you witness a car accident:
Pull over and/or keep your distance from the vehicles
If you are driving and the accident happens in front of you, quickly make your way to the side of the road, pull over and put on your hazard lights. You MAY be helpful in trying to signal other drivers if on a high-speed roadway but only do so if you are safely able.
Call for help as soon as you are safely able
Once you have pulled over and the car is in park, or if you are on foot, dial 911 immediately and give them the address or location of the accident so that they may dispatch emergency vehicles to the scene. The drivers may be incapacitated and unable to call or they may have not thought to do so immediately following the crash as they may be confused and in a state of shock.
Safely make your way to the scene to see if you are able to assist
It is not always recommended that you make your way to the scene of the accident, but if you believe it to be safe to do so, you may be helpful. You will be able to let the drives know that you have called 911 and, in some cases, you may even render first aid or comfort victims until help arrives.
Give your information to the drivers
IN addition to the above, you should also give your information to both drivers. As a witness, your information may become vital in helping discover who was at fault. You may be contacted by their insurance companies or possibly their attorneys should a lawsuit arise. In addition, the fact that you are on the scene and a witness, your presence may help to calm any tempers that may have flared as a result of the car accident.
Wait for additional help to arrive on the scene
It is also a good idea for you to wait on the scene until additional help (police, medical emergency team) arrive. They may also want your information and your account of exactly what happened.
While being in such a situation can be stressful and the exact opposite of FUN, your being a witness to a car accident and performing any of the admonitions above can be of great help to those involved. Whether you are a witness to the accident or are directly/indirectly involved, it is important to follow these steps after the accident occurs. The information you provide and the help you give can be extremely valuable in helping the situation get resolved quickly and as fairly as possible for those who were involved in the accident.