“Eat fruits and many vegetables”, many food experts recommend. Fruit and vegetables contain many of the vitamins and minerals that we human-beings need. Therefore, you can advantageously start to incorporate more of these into your daily diet.
The dietary guidelines say that we have to eat around 1.3 pounds of fruit and vegetables a day, hence half of it has to be vegetables.
You might already think that it’s boring to eat vegetables, but it does not have to be that way. A plant-based diet that’s prepared the right way can be really delicious and tasty.
What is a plant-based diet?
To eat plant-based means that you eat a diet primarily containing whole foods, that are as close to their natural form as possible. This means non-processed and all natural foods. A plant-based diet is defined by what the diet actually contains and not what the diet doesn’t contain (which is the definition of a vegan diet). Therefore, you don’t have to be a vegetarian or a vegan to eat a plant-based diet.
Examples of vegan, but not plant-based provisions:
Sugar, white pasta, white flour, apple juice, alcohol, soft drinks, oils, vegetable margarine.
Examples of vegan AND plant-based provisions:
Fruit, vegetables, legumines, nuts, seed, whole grains (i.e. whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, brown rice etc.). Another great product within this category is The Plant Era’s vegan plant-based protein powder that contributes to a healthy diet and is all natural with nothing artificial.
Plant-based food has to taste good
Meals have large importance to many of us and have to taste good.t’s often something we really look forward to throughout the day. We want an exquisite tasting experience when we sit down for dinner, but is that even possible if the majority of the food on the plate consists of plants?
The answer is a big “yes”. If you’re up to exploring the plant-based kitchen you’ll discover several taste nuances that are most likely to satisfy your needs and much more than that.
Begin with smaller amounts
Many of us would like to live more sustainable and plant-based, but it seems overwhelming to change habits in the beginning. Therefore, you should try to focus on the food you would like to eat more of, instead of the food you would like to eat less of. In that way, it’ll be a much more fun and positive experience. Make the changes gradually at your own pace. Eat for instance a breakfast containing oatmeal with berries or nuts or a calcium-enriched smoothie with soya milk, fruit and berries, spinach, protein powder, or soy yogurt with muesli and fruit.
For dinner, you can begin with more vegetables, make large salads and then begin to experiment with legumes and nuts.
Forget what others think
When you begin to consider a change in lifestyle you might often think what others will think. You can easily eat plant-based independently of what your family and friends eat. You should be able to pick the diet and food you are most comfortable with.
Regardless, don’t be ashamed or afraid to pave your own path in life. Go full steam ahead if you believe in something in life.
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