What Changes You Can Expect When You Start Exercising?
This post was last updated on August 3rd, 2016
Lately, we all are hearing more about the importance of exercising not only for losing or maintaining weight but also for improving our overall health. But people cherish the common notion that workout is for people who want to lose weight. This myth needs to be busted because many eminent medical experts have revealed that exercising daily for around 30 minutes is essential to live a healthy life.
Having adopted a sedentary lifestyle, there has been a steep decline in our physical activities owing to which there has been a rise in diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. Moreover, when you start exercising, you won’t even know how your body and its functions tune up to improve your health condition. It has been rightly said that exercising regularly and having a nutritive diet can drastically improve your body’s ability to fight diseases while making you feel youthful and energetic.
Exercising is the only way to improve your strength and endurance level while accelerating the functioning of your internal organs. If you want to know what changes you can expect when you start exercising, then read below and you will be surely compelled to start working out today:
You Will Experience Weight Loss
One of the most basic changes you will experience after starting workout is losing extra weight. Initially your body’s muscles start toning up and your body feels firmer than before. Gradually, when you follow a proper workout schedule along with appropriate diet, then you will start losing all the extra fat from your body and you can then flaunt the fitter you to make others envy of you.
You May Even Gain Weight
There are many cases where people gain weight after exercising. Actually it is not because of exercising, it is because of pampering yourself for working out. When you feel pity that you are engaging in extra physical activity, then you automatically feel like eating more or you even feel that now you can have unhealthy foodstuffs without any guilt as any way you are going to burn those unhealthy calories. This kind of inappropriate diet is the basic reason why some people gain weight despite exercising.
You Feel The Urge To Eat More
This is quite common and immediate effect of exercising as you are giving pain to your beloved muscles and now that your fat is melting, your body requires calories to burn calories. Since you are indulging in extra physical activity, your metabolism rate gets a boost and this causes more hunger pangs. But be careful of these increased hunger because if you give heed to it and treat yourself with unhealthy calories, then soon you will find yourself demotivated and you will even think of quitting your workout.
You Will Start Opting For Healthy Foodstuffs
When you start exercising, you start becoming health conscious and you don’t miss any opportunity of grabbing any health related information. When it comes to food, you tend to count the calories consumed and you avoid eating things such as pizzas and burgers that can nullify the whole effect of exercising. You gradually reduce your caffeine consumption and since you are feeling great about exercising, you will ensure that you have only healthy foodstuffs in your platter.
You Will Enjoy Sound Sleep
Moderate to intense amount of physical activities in the form of exercising helps in production of serotonin hormones that are responsible for making you feel sleepy. Medical experts have revealed that lack of physical activity and accumulation of stress causes physical and mental tiredness that slows the production of this sleep hormone. But exercising helps in getting rid of physical stress and even releases endorphins that help in keeping mental stress at bay. This enhances the production of serotonin hormone, which guarantees you a rejuvenating and sound sleep.
Your Skin Will Feel Radiant
Exercising has a great effect on the production of the hormones. Not only they help in secretion of hormones but they even balance the hormones owing to which our skin starts glowing. Working out also regulates the circulation of blood in the body and this leads to increased flow of oxygen. This ensures proper flow of nutrition to each and every cell of the body, making your skin look healthy and radiant. Even medical studies have proved that people suffering from skin conditions such as acne or blisters must workout daily as exercising helps in regulating the production of sebaceous glands, which in turn helps in making skin look flawlessly wow.
Taking The Stairs Won’t Be Painful
When you follow your workout routine religiously, you will notice that you have lost some additional pounds and you feel light on your foot. Since you have put your muscles to some extra physical activity, they tend to become flexible, owing to which walking, running, etc won’t be tiring for you. Moreover, your joint health will improve and your strengthened bones will allow you to take the stairs without getting exhausted soon.
Recommended: 7 Easy Steps To Develop The Habit Of Exercising
You Will Feel Super Active
Exercising helps in releasing endorphins that controls mood swings and keeps you in good mood. Since you are able to release your stress while exercising, you feel highly energetic. Your mental abilities such as concentration, comprehension and analyzing enhance and this will help you in being more efficient at workplace.
You Will Start Loving Yourself
You feel more confident about yourself when you feel that you look good. When you are in great shape and you feel highly active, then you automatically start loving yourself. You exhibit new zest and zeal towards work and personal life and never feel conscious about your looks as you know that you are putting in your best efforts.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.