What Are the Chances of Getting and Surviving Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to high levels of asbestos. It has no known cure at the current time, but new treatments are in development. Some people have survived this illness for decades after diagnosis while others die within months or years, and still more patients live with debilitating symptoms long-term due to their cancer’s advance into other areas in their body like lungs, abdomen organs, kidneys, etc. If you think it might not be safe where you work, then talk about your concerns with management so they know how serious an issue this could become if left unchecked.
The thought of going through rigorous treatment can give anyone cold feet. What’s even more startling is the thought that you’ll make it. Cancer is notorious for having poor survival rates. It is not an easy feat to be on the other side of the stick. However, mesothelioma is a different type of cancer. It is both rare and aggressive. So, if you get mesothelioma, the chances of it spreading is high. It is also not easy to diagnose mesothelioma.
Cancer is so rare that doctors don’t even look in that direction, and it’s sometimes too late. However, if you come down with mesothelioma, don’t hesitate to seek treatment. However, here are some guidelines that can help you further understand mesothelioma. Here’s everything you need to know about surviving mesothelioma:
What Are Mesothelioma Survival Rates?
Survival rates infer the percentage of people who live on after one to five years following the diagnosis. Doctors inform a patient in terms of life expectancy. Mesothelioma affects a patient’s life expectancy by reducing the number of years a patient gets to live. For example, if you have pleural mesothelioma, you may have a 23% living for the next three years. You can always find out more by going on websites and studying survival statistics.
What Factors Affect Mesothelioma Survival Rates
Many factors affect a person’s survival rate. These are as follows:
Tumor Location
There are four different types of mesothelioma, and the site where the cancer is affects the patients’ outcomes. For instance, peritoneal patients, patients with abdominal cancer, have a higher chance of surviving. Pericardial mesothelioma is extremely rare. However, if you happen to have it, a doctor needs to determine how close the tumor is. If it is in the lining of the vital organ, survival chances are very dim. However, if the tumor is slightly far from the organ, a doctor will determine the next steps. That is, will the doctor need to shrink it first before surgery or perform surgery right away.
Stage of the Disease
The stage of mesothelioma cancer can help determine the rate of survival. For patients who have stage one or stage two cancer, their chances of surviving are high. The stages indicate that cancer has yet to spread and is in a manageable size. Early-stage patients who get treatment early have a high chance of survival. When it comes to pleural mesothelioma, cancer doesn’t get diagnosed until stage 3 or stage 4. At these stages, the tumor is large and has spread from the original site. Later stages are also harder to treat because the cancer is too unmanageable. Pleural mesothelioma does not have a favorable survival rate compared with other mesothelioma cases. Late-stage cancers also have limited options, such as surgeries and more painful surgeries.
Mesothelioma Cell Type
The mesothelioma cell type impacts the patient’s survival rate. Cancer has three primary cell types such as epithelioid, sarcomatoid, and biphasic. The most common cell is epithelioid, which is the least aggressive. It is also much easier to treat. Patients with epithelioid cancer have a better chance of living at least two more years. Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is the most aggressive cell type. Patients with sarcomatoid mesothelioma only live for six to eight months following the diagnosis. Biphasic tumors have epithelioid and sarcomatoid features. If a patient with biphasic tumors has more epithelium cells, the chances of survival are high. If the patient has more sarcomatoid cells, the life expectancy is less. Patients who come in with biphasic cell diagnosis have a survival rate of 13 months.
The Patient’s Age and Overall Health
Older mesothelioma patients have a low survival rate. Patients who get their mesothelioma treated before the age of 50 live slightly longer. While those who get cancer at 75 have a small window of survival. Younger patients have stronger bodies. Their bodies can withstand cancer enough to get treatment. If a younger patient is fit and has no other health problems, they have a good chance of living. It is not unusual for older patients to have more than one health problem. They may have diabetes, weaker immunity, or even heart complications. These factors contribute to their survival rate. It is not easy to administer care when they’re already battling other diseases.
Gender of the Patient
Men hold most industrial jobs. So the chances of asbestos-contracted mesothelioma in men are high. However, women with mesothelioma appear to survive longer than men with mesothelioma. There are several reasons why women stay longer than men. Researchers don’t have a specific cause for why women survive longer. But they believe it mostly has to do with hormonal differences. It may also have to do with the extent of exposure that men go through compared to women.
How Can I Improve Mesothelioma Survival Rates?
If you have mesothelioma, you can try and make specific changes to your life. Even though you may go in for treatment, you should try other options. Here are some methods you can try to help your condition:
- Go To A Mesothelioma Specialist. While you may get treatment from an oncologist, try seeking a specialist too. These professionals know how to help you adjust to your new lifestyle. Give you tips on elevating the pain and how to modify your house.
- Go For Clinical Trials. Numerous clinical trials are happening in the hospital. So, you can sign up for one of them. These trails have medications with limited information but enough safety for you to try. You never know if these drugs may work on you.
- Seek Referrals For Rehabilitation. Cancer treatments can take a toll on you. You may feel lethargic, nauseous, and even have no strength. If you check into rehab, you can get time to recover. There will be professionals on the spot to take care of you. They will also know what diet to feed you as you recover.
- Change Your Diet. Avoid eating meals that are heavy and creamy. It would help if you stuck to easily digestible meals. These may be crackers, soups, and juices.
Wrap Up
If you have mesothelioma, you should check in with your doctor right away. Mesothelioma is survivable, but many factors are determining the rate. These include the location of the tumor, size, and age. If the tumor is manageable and has less aggressive cells, a doctor can take care of it. The chances of survival are higher if you’re young and in good condition. However, as you’re getting treated, make sure you seek a specialist. There are some lifestyle changes you may have to make to help yourself.
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