6 Ways Your Diet Is Destroying Your Sex Life
This post was last updated on January 16th, 2024

Sex is one of the most rewarding activities adult men and women can look forward to — and you can realistically look forward to getting a natural high from having sex every other night but, only if you can take it that much. You may have considered how stress, mutual unavailability, and your always dwindling energy levels have seriously affected your sex life. Have you ever considered how diet affects sex life? If you’ve been putting on inches on your waistline uncontrollably then, your less-than-happening sex life may be influenced by that new bulge you’ve packed and it requires a closer look.
Your Diet and Your Sex Life
From foods that kill testosterone and foods that decrease sex drive, listed below are just some of the pitfalls in your diet that you would want to watch out for if your goal is to significantly improve your time in bed, as well as enhance the quality of your and your partner’s sexual stimulation:
1. You weigh too much.
Really now? You must be losing yourself to illusion thinking that you can perform well in bed with your oversized body. Seriously, how can you endure all the pumping, panting, and body bumping that so naturally comes with intense, high quality time in bed if you can’t even carry your own weight?
Before you start thinking of any other way to get your libido up by incorporating certain foods in your diet, take off the excess fats by skipping on the seriously useless and unhealthy calories from your diet. Proper diet and exercise can help but, to help you increase your sex drive and performance now. Is sex bad for your heart? Yes and no, according to study findings that say quality of sex is just as important while too frequent sex is bad for the heart[].
2. You drink too much.
Alcohol is a depressant. If you smoke while you drink then, that’s a sure-fire recipe for a disastrous sex episode — and, you’ll be lucky to have just one embarrassing mishap as these two factors can cause long-term erectile dysfunction, for which, there will be no turning back. Men’s sexual peak are affected by blood flow to the penis and the brain. If your arteries are blocked then, you’ll have a harder time getting harder and ejaculating. For women, orgasms will be so much harder to reach for the same reasons. Unfortunately, many women reportedly already have a hard time reaching the ‘Big O’ without these damages to the body.
3. You eat too much fast food.
Other than not really providing you with the right kind of energy that you can burn during on optimal sex performance, fast foods, because these are often extra-sized, also lead you to an energy slump. That means, instead of actually wanting to have sex, all you want to do is snooze in bed. What a game killer!
How eating healthy affects you also affects your performance in bed. How does diet affect health? When you eat more junk, you share so much more junk in your sexual performances. When you eat more fresh and healthy foods, you get to derive essential nutrients your body needs to up your endurance, stamina and resistance in bed so you can give more to satisfy your partner which, in turn, also satisfies you.
4. You load up on the wrong kinds of sugar.
Men’s health life is greatly affected by their sugar intake. It’s not just the volume of sugar that is causing you health problems but also, the type of sugars that you consume. Thanks to advertising, many people have been led to believe that artificial sweeteners are better than ordinary sugar. In fact, the body is not programmed to digest artificial sweeteners and, because it stays there, you pack in more fat storage’s.
If you are eager to know which food increases stamina in bed, you would also want to know that artificial sweeteners decreases your energy reserves and even puts you at a higher risk for developing depression. Depression which can make you feel bad about yourself takes a serious toll on your sex life. According to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 65th Annual Meeting in 2013, diet soda increased probability of depression[]. So, unless you want your sex life to nosedive, think hard before bringing another can of diet soda to your lips.
5. You take decaffeinated coffee.
The same study as in the previous section documented how coffee (not decaffeinated), caused risk for depression to slide by as much as 10 per cent among coffee drinkers. Another study corroborates these findings and boldly goes on to conclude that caffeinated drinks stimulate a series of chemical reactions in the brain that causes the penis to harden with increased volume of blood. This is one of a handful of findings that establishes regular coffee as being one of many foods that make you last longer in bed. It is clear from these findings that, other than sexual habits, your eating habits can also either suffer or enhance your sex drive.
6. You binge on meat loaded with hormones.
What foods kill testosterone? A diet high in artificial hormones can be aptly called an erectile dysfunction diet. Those artificial hormones are driving down your testosterone levels and there isn’t much that you can do to correct that, and the best way to address it is not to avoid meat altogether but, to get your supply from organic sources.
Sex is the best thing in life and you don’t want to jeopardize your right to pursue your carnal desires by eating the wrong types of food. There is no question about it that, your diet plays an important role in making your sexual fantasies come to life, enjoy it and, satisfy your partner all at the same time. So, the next time that you eat, consider what will be good for your overall health, including your sexual health.
Nicole Beams Author Bio:

I m a post-graduate in English literature and health researcher. I have over a decade of experience in researching and writing as a profession and as a passion. I am a health blogger who loves to write articles for health related topics in power of self-motivation. A person, according to me, is perceived by others in the same way a person perceives himself or herself. I enjoy in writing the feedbacks regarding various health related products.
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