9 Ways Wi-Fi Is Causing Harm To Your Health
This post was last updated on August 3rd, 2016
You feel on top of this world when you are offered Wi-Fi connections everywhere you go as you are able to grab every opportunity of being connected to your virtual world. As technology is advancing to provide us immense comfort and to make us gadget geeks, we don’t think twice about our health before using those radiation emitting devices. As life is pacing, we cannot afford to stay away from the internet and this is why most of us are compelled to live in Wi-Fi environments. Whether you are home, office, departmental stores, malls, airports, etc, you require Wi-Fi connectivity to be easily accessible at all times.
But did you know that Wi-Fi can actually have adverse effects on your health? Being accessible to technology has become the need of today’s world, but is it worth at the cost of our health? You may say that no one has died being in Wi-Fi zone! Actually there are no immediate effects of using Wi-Fi or being in Wi-Fi enabled area. But this wireless technology is slowly making us ill. In fact, not only our wellness is at stake but it is children who are suffering the most. The electromagnetic radiation emitting from Wi-Fi is endangering our health and our modems and routers are actually filling the surroundings with invisible yet hazardous rays.
If you still won’t believe how Wi-Fi can affect your health in the long run, then here are 9 ways Wi–Fi is causing harm to your health that explains why you need to keep some space from wireless technology:
You May Suffer From Insomnia
It has been studied that excessive exposure to radiation can cause stress in the long run. But if you regularly get exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for longer durations, then you may find it difficult to sleep at night. It has been known that using Wi-Fi during night hours has the same effect as the smartphones. They cause slower production of sleep hormone, known as serotonin and this delays your sleep and causes distortion in sleep pattern. It is advised to switch off your Wi-Fi devices hours before sleeping, so that you enjoy better quality of sleep.
Creates Obstacles in Foetus Development
Medical experts actually advise pregnant women to limit their dependence on laptops, computers, smartphones and even radiation emitting devices like Wi-Fi modems and routers. It not only affects the health of the mother in the long run but such radiation in fact, may adversely affect foetal development. Moreover, if you have babies at home, then it is suggested to avoid using wireless technology to avoid obstacles put forth by radiation in their growth and development.
Affects Cellular Growth & Recovery
Many of us are unaware that external forces too have effect on the growth of cells and their recovery from damage. If you are exposed to radiation for a long period of time regularly, then as per many medical studies, you are highly prone to suffer from distortion in cell growth. Similar to the usage of mobile phones, even continuous use of Wi-Fi or being in a Wi-Fi zone can affect the working of your internal organs and process of cell recovery slows down too. It is however, not possible to abstain from using them at all, but you can at least limit the time of technology usage to avoid such permanent damage that can show its aftermath later.
Reduces Cognitive Functioning
Cognitive functioning is the mental ability to comprehend things and analyse the information through thought, experience and senses. Exposure to radiation can cause difficulty in concentration, apprehension and can even impact the brain development in children. Lack of ability to stay attentive for longer can even cause stress and over the time, the stress accumulation can cause depression. Studies have found that there has been an alarming rise in the patients suffering from depression and anxiety across the globe as the technology is advancing.
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Lowers Energy Levels
It is true that being exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for longer hours on daily basis can distort the functioning of the cells while affecting your brain’s ability to memorise. Additionally, this can lower your energy levels gradually and over the time, you may frequently feel lethargic and extremely tired. As per a study conducted on 30 women volunteers, it was found that more than an hour of radiation exposure can cause a decline in energy levels followed by reduced brain activeness.
Affects Fertility In Men
Attention men! Did you know that one of the potential reasons for impotence in men is exposure to radiation? Yes, you heard it right. It has been stated by many medical researchers that if you get exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for long duration on regular basis, then it can have retrogressive effects on the sperm movement and DNA also. However, the effect is not immediate, it is only in long run, that you may come across infertility issues. Start limiting your dependence on Wi-Fi!
Potential Cause For Cancer
Radiations do have certain effect on our cell growth and development and therefore, scientists are trying to find a concrete proof to prove if is true or not. Though no evidence have been found to prove that Wi-Fi environments can cause cancer but still there are several types of cancer that may get triggered due to such radiation. As of now, you don’t need to get serious about cancer but imagine what would happen if medical science proves this association? Are you ready yet to throw off your Wi-Fi modems and routers?
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High Palpitation Of Heart
This is not quite common with people, though there are some exceptions. High frequencies of radiation emitting from your wireless devices can increase the rate of heart beat and you may immediately feel anxiety, excessive sweating and difficult in breathing. Medical experts have revealed that such high palpitation of heart is not immediately experienced by majority of people.
Increased Frequency Of Headaches
Headaches are quite commonly felt pain these days due to increased stress even in children. But you might not know that your Wi-Fi is probably increasing the frequency of headaches. This is one of the basic reactions to exposure to radiation and you may take a pain killer to get some instant relief. You may not sense it as a serious issue now, but later it may become one.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.