5 Ways To Take Care of Your Mental Health When You’re a New Parent
This post was last updated on August 11th, 2021
Becoming a new parent starts with so much excitement, quickly followed by exhaustion, both mentally and physically.
Having a baby comes with so much responsibility that it can feel like a heavy load to bear. The love and joy that parents feel by the arrival of their child are undeniable, but it can also be a more significant challenge than expected.
For this reason, new parents must prioritize mental health so that they can be the best parents they can be.
Here are five ways that new parents can care for their mental health:
When you feel like you’re starting to lose your cool, remember to S.N.O.W.B.A.L.L.
S is for sleep.
As a new parent, the biggest challenge to overcome is probably learning how to survive those nights when the baby doesn’t want to let you sleep.
These nights will happen regardless, so you need to catch up with your sleep when you can.
While it may be tempting to try to get things done while your baby is sleeping, this may not always be best.
If you didn’t sleep well the night before, take a nap when your baby is napping.
N is for nutrition.
One way to continue to thrive as a new parent is by eating well. You’ll be better off if you get enough healthy foods to keep your body and mind strong.
New mothers may feel like they want to lose a few of those pregnancy pounds, but now is not the time to go on a diet, especially if you are breastfeeding.
Instead, focus on taking in high-quality foods such as lean meats, lots of vegetables, and complex carbs.
O is for omega 3’s.
Omega 3’s are fatty acids that are necessary for healthy brain function.
One study showed promise that regular supplementation with Omega 3 fatty acids helps to combat postpartum depression.
W is walking.
It may be the last thing you feel like doing when you are tired, but exercise is beneficial for keeping your body and brain feeling healthy.
Walking is a great recovery exercise for new mothers, and new fathers would also benefit from joining them on the walk.
Exercise eases the symptoms of depression and anxiety so if you are feeling worn out mentally, get moving!
B is for baby breaks.
Find a trusted person to care for your baby for short periods of time to give yourself a break from the worry.
These breaks don’t need to be too long, just enough to help you decompress.
A is for adult time.
Maybe during your baby break, you can spend time with other adults.
Perhaps the best person to spend some quality time with is your significant other. Before the baby came, you no doubt had a lot of alone time.
As the paradigm shifts, you need to keep your relationships strong. Try to be sure that date nights keep being a thing. Your baby will feel more safe and secure when both parents feel the same.
L is for liquids
Keeping your water intake and other sources of hydration up is essential. Getting plenty of liquids helps the mom make breast milk, and it helps both parents to keep their energy levels up.
L is for laughter
As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Having your first baby is hard, but find ways to have fun!
Make sure you play with your baby regularly.
2. Don’t Play the Comparison Game
You may feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, but don’t compare your parenting to others.
You know your values and your desires for your baby. You are the only one who gets to decide how you want to raise your child.
What works for some parents won’t work for you, and that’s ok. When you start comparing your parenting to the parenting of others, you begin to doubt your methods.
You should always ensure that you are trying your best, but comparing your parenting to others will only cause you to become discouraged.
You also don’t want to compare your baby to other babies. Each child will grow and develop at their own rate.
Lastly, don’t compare yourself to other parents. You never know what happens behind the curtains. Some parents might seem like they have it all together, but it may only be surface deep.
Don’t feel pressured to “bounce back” so quickly.
One way to limit your feelings of inadequacy is to take time away from social media. Watching a picture-perfect version of another parent’s life can make you feel like you aren’t doing enough.
3. Allow for Adjustments
Don’t expect life to continue as it did before the baby arrived. Allow for adjustments.
You now have new priorities, new responsibilities, and a new schedule. As a result, you will have less time for some of what you used to do.
This new priority list doesn’t mean that you can’t still do some of your old hobbies, but don’t put too much on yourself.
You might suffer from “new parent brain,” and you forget things often. Make a to-do list for each day. This habit can help you stay on track when you are feeling overwhelmed.
4. Trust Your Abilities
New parents face a lot of uncertainties. Therefore, you need to put some trust in your abilities as a parent.
Trust that you are doing a good job. Trust that your baby is happy and healthy.
It helps to get affirmations from the pediatrician. They can reassure you that your baby is getting everything they need to grow into a healthy kid.
5. Relax and Enjoy the Ride
As a new parent, fear and anxiety can rob you of the many joys that parenting offers. So make sure you take time just to be. Relax and enjoy your baby.
Cuddle time with your baby is vital. Every once in a while, take a day off of everything but the baby.
Sit back and appreciate the miracle of this new life. The more you practice these things, the more you will understand the joys of parenthood.
Prioritizing your mental health as a new parent is extremely important. If you aren’t at your happiest, you will suffer but also your child.
Now that you have to think for two, be sure you treat yourself with care and consideration just as you would your new baby.
Author Bio
Brittany is the Assistant Property Manager at Atrio and a Senior Marketing Ambassador with Marquette Management. She holds her Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations from Illinois State University and just moved to the city from the northern burbs. She enjoys exploring local restaurants and shops and taking her dog Lady for walks by the lake. Brittany has worked at four different Marquette communities and is excited to meet her new neighbors in the IMD.
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