Ways to Mark Dangerous Spots
Some people may think marking areas is a practice, restricted for crime scenes, but actually, if you don’t mark dangerous spots in your house and/or on the streets, those spots might actually end up becoming scenes of similar nature.
You don’t have to restrict an area with barricade tape to make the hazards it poses known. With a little bit of imagination, marking dangerous spots can actually be a fun activity, kind of like decorating, and add some whimsical charm to your house.
Here are some easy to pull off ideas that can make dangerous spots both safe and pretty.
Flagging Tape
Flagging tape may not be the prettiest option, but it isn’t meant to be. Rather, it’s an absolute classic for marking dangerous and tricky areas, especially outdoor ones.
One of the best things about flagging tape is its simplistic versatility. Depending on its color, flagging tape signifies different kinds of hazards and/or caution, and those meanings are universally accepted everywhere.
The meanings behind flagging tape colors are as follows:
– Pink – temporary survey meetings
– Red – electrical power lines, conduit, and cables
– Orange – communication, alarms, signal lines, conduit and cables
– Yellow – gas, oil, petroleum, steam, and gaseous materials
– Green – sewers and drain lines
– Blue – potable water
– Purple/violet– reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines
– White – proposed excavation routes
Some of the most common outdoor scenarios in which flagging tape comes in handy is surveying, forestry, mining, disasters, wildland fire suppression, and construction sites. Furthermore, a lot of people use fluorescent-colored flagging tape to mark newly planted trees and/or hedges and bushes in their gardens and property that are still very fragile.
Ribbons can be used in a fairly similar fashion to flagging tape, but with a touch, or a few, more flamboyance, which makes them more suitable for home settings and scenarios that are generally a little more lighthearted. Furthermore, they’re less durable than flagging tape, which is another reason they’re not the best option for outdoor settings.
With that being said, ribbons can still get the job done, and a pile of them can even attract more attention than flagging tape, all while making for a fun decorative choice.
Kid Paintings
If you have kids and your house has turned into a mini construction site, channeling your children’s inherent artistry into warning paintings that can be hung around dangerous spots can be a creative way to make your home both safer and prettier, or at least charmingly quirky.
In fact, since it’s usually kids who are the likeliest to find themselves in harm’s way, letting them mark hazardous areas themselves can increase the chances of them remembering to watch out.
Erasable Ink
Erasable ink is gaining more and more popularity, usually as a decorative option, however, who says you can’t kill two birds with one stone? Erasable inks usually works by applying paint on walls that turns them into dry erase boards.
The idea here is practically the same as the one above, with the difference that it’s much more elaborate. Painting on walls has always been one of children’s most sacred dreams and innate urges, and with erasable ink, you can finally let your kids be kids without ruining your house, and even make it safer in the process.
Even if you or your kids are no Picassos, erasable ink allows you to draw huge arrows and signs that are virtually impossible to neglect.
Custom Stickers
Custom stickers are another universal classic that is applicable in all kinds of scenarios. By default, they are meant as reminders, and what needs to be remembered more than a dangerous spot you constantly pass by?
Custom stickers come in boundless diversity. Whether it’s a specific color, shape, picture, or sign, they can employ various styles and techniques that will remind you of the danger ahead.
Custom stickers can be playful or more serious and can easily be designed to fit into your house’s overall vibe without blending in too much with it as that would defeat the purpose. In fact, that’s the best thing about custom stickers – they’re meant to get noticed by default, yet are paradoxically subtle at the same time instead of a gaudy eyesore.
Those are some of the little tricks you can use to mark dangerous spots inside and outside that will keep you out of harm’s way without making you want to poke your eyes out every time you see them.
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