15 Productive Ways To Invest In Yourself
If you’re reading this article, the objectives, the subject and the conclusions of this article are just for you. I am dedicating this to every single person out there who wants to enhance and know himself/herself more closely and deeply. In this super hush-hush world we are blindly getting dependent on technology and spending maximum time either with gadgets and devices or with people around us. There’s more, you keep struggling for impressing others and doing things just to satisfy your obsession. The obsession is what others think or would think about you. But, how much closely you know yourself? What do you do for yourself, your happiness and your improvement? Being honest while answering these questions, will take you one step forward to invest better in yourself. Investing in yourself is the most profitable investment you could ever do in your entire life. You should be very much friendly and clear with yourself which is way too essential in this technology inclined era. You need to know, how you spend your energy, where do you spend your energy, what do you deserve, how much capable are you, what are your positive points, what are your expertise field and skills. Getting precise answers to these questions will help you lead your life with much ease to manage any situation be it financial, social or personal. You will be able to live a peaceful and stress free life. So, let’s have a brief look at the ways to invest in yourself.
1. Discover your true needs
Know what you really want. Do you really need that iPhone 6? It’s very important to be aware of your needs and wants, because sometimes, your excessive and unnecessary wants might lead you in wrong direction draining your valuable resources.
2. Know your strengths
Your strengths are your weapons to survive in this selfish world. Find out, what you excel at? What’s your strength? If you’re an influencing leader then you can lead people in different projects and your advises would be creating an imprint on others. So, it’s better to know about your skills and strengths.
3. Set weekly goals and review them
There are maximum chances of getting distracted from your goals and aims in the long run, hence, setting weekly goals is a best way to achieve your goals to reach the success point.
4. Enhance your self-esteem
If you think, you already have got high self-esteem, better work on it more often to improve your opinion on yourself. This will eliminate all your negative thoughts and views once and for all which is one of the most efficacious ways to invest in yourself.
5. Never apologize for who you are
Never feel low as a person because that might make you feel apologetic of your best as well as worst traits. Your personal negative features might be influencing for others. Always believe in yourself as every person is unique and cannot be replicated. So, embrace your flaws.
6. Develop new skills
It’s better to expand your mind and thoughts. Learn new things and skills to get an amazing equilibrium for your mental and physical health as new skills can keep your mind active as well as your body. So, come out of your closet and spend some quality time in reading, painting, outdoor sports.
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7. Nurture your creativity
It becomes very essential to nurture your creativity especially when you’re good at something, or even best. Developing skills and engaging yourself in it is not enough, if you forget to nurture and enhance the creativity.
8. Go parallel to your intuition
Intuition is a strong insight belief that we people usually tend to ignore. But our intuition knows more than we think. Learn to trust and rely on your inner voice without hesitation as your instinct always tells you the right thing.
9. Spend time in reading
Read anything, everything. Feed your mind with loads of information, ideas, theories, stories and that what can make you a real intellectual in person.
10. Be thankful to yourself
In the long run, you never miss thanking people for different reasons that make you really grateful. But, you surely missing a very important person who always takes a good care of you, makes you feel better, helps you to come up with brilliant ideas and solutions and that person is you. You should never forget yourself, how awesome you’re. Thank yourself at the end of each day.
11. Take a good care of yourself
Well, there’s no one out there better than you who can take impeccable care of yourself. It’s very necessary to embrace healthy habits to grow and develop mentally, physically and emotionally. After all, nothing can be more important than your personal health, one of the most productive ways to invest in yourself.
12. Figure out your why’s and how’s
Find out every question that hits your mind and makes you restless and stressed out. Figure out the reasons, the source and solutions. Try to answer every why’s and how’s.
13. Be an example
Being an example or creating an example for others influences many people. Your morals and ethics get acclamations and approbations which is a good sign of careful consideration to your being and you might become a role model for many.
14. Do what you actually love
Sometimes, we find happiness and peace in the most simplest things that might not be very pragmatic for others. But when we are talking about one’s being, that’s totally worth it. Never hold off your simple delights, whether it’s about reading or singing, dancing or hiking. What matters the most is, you should be content and happy in your deep down.
15. Keep your options on high value
Always feel free to scrutinize your options before making any decision. Opting for your benefit and betterment is no bad because you have got the right to settle on people and things that you want in your life.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.