Train Your Mind to Wake Up Early Morning With These Most Successful Techniques
This post was last updated on June 17th, 2019
Have you ever experienced the bliss of early morning? If not, you must really try to wake up early morning and drown yourself in the positive spirit and freshness of the early part of the day. Going by the conventional rule, to wake up early morning you need to sleep early too. But how many of you really manage to go to sleep by 10 pm or before 11 pm? Very few!
That is why; rising up early can prove to be a big problem. However, if you are keen on changing your schedule then nothing is impossible. A bit of effort and readiness to adapt to new sleeping and waking up timings is all it takes to make you an early riser. Once you get used to the quietness and solace of the addictive early hours, you simply will love waking up early.
Many creative people and scientists have embarked upon new ideas and concepts sitting quietly in the early morning hours. It is a perfect time to write, exercise, read and for meditation. It is the only time when the world is sleeping and there is no one to disturb you.
Training your Mind Gradually
Now that you have decided to wake up early morning every day, it is time to train your mind to adapt to this new change. Technically speaking all you need to do to wake up early is setting up an alarm for early morning. That is not all! If you are in a habit of waking up at 8 am, it will be very difficult for you to switch your ‘good morning’ time to 6 am all of a sudden. Rather you will feel sleepy and groggy all the day and would lose motivation to get up early the next day.
The best way is to change your wake up time gradually. Start by shifting your time 10 to 15 minutes earlier to your regular time for a few days. Once you get used to it gradually shift it again to a 10 to 15 minutes earlier time. Do not try to shift your wake up time suddenly to 6 am from the regular 8 am or it will not work.
Although it is a bit slower way of changing your rising hour, you will enjoy the experiment and will also retain this schedule for long. Since it is difficult to adapt to new sleeping patterns, gradual method will be much better if you are looking for a long lasting change in your daily schedule. This holds true almost for every habit including exercise habits, eating habits, clutter habits and so on.
3 Motivational Steps To Help You Get Up Early
After a few days, when you have shifted your wake up time to 20 to 30 minutes earlier, you suddenly feel like staying in the bed despite being awake. It can happen to anyone, even to those people who are used to getting up early in the morning.
How to beat these early morning wake up blues? Try out the following motivational steps:
- Plan the Morning in the Night
To ensure that you get out of the bed the moment the alarm begins to snooze, plan what you would like to do in the early morning the night before. It can be anything. For example, you can start working upon the project you have been delaying or write a book, plan a strategy for your company. Think of anything that excites you and you will surely wake up early morning the next day all fired up with motivation to start something new.
- Jump Out of the Bed
Although the idea may seem a bit childish, it will really work. Jump out of the bed with enthusiasm, spread your arms wide, stretch them and say to yourself, “Yes I am ready to face the world with confidence and looking for more peace and happiness.” You would be surprised how miraculously it helps you to get started off early.
- Keep Alarm Out of Reach
Usually we have a habit of keeping the alarm clock on the table, next to bed so that we can stop it the moment it starts snoozing. But it also means that you can fall back again to sleep without getting up. To make sure that you do get up in the morning, keep the alarm clock out of your reach, for example across the room. This way you will have to get up from the bed and stop the snooze button. Once you have jumped out of the bed, you are less likely to hit the bed again.
Dos and Don’ts during the Early Morning Hours
The newfound early morning time should be used creatively so that it helps you to become more productive. If you do not have anything to do during these hours, very shortly you will feel bored and will switch back to your old wake up schedule.
Don’ts for Early Morning Hours
- Do not check emails
- Do not read news
- Do not browse through social media or read blogs
The gist is simply to avoid wasting time, doing the same thing that you always do with the rest of the day.
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Dos for Early Morning Hours
- Drink Water
Start your day by drinking a glass of water. Your body gets dehydrated, as you do not drink water for around 7 to 8 hours when you sleep. Drinking a full glass of water in the early morning helps you feel more awake.
- Meditate
Focusing with an empty mind, just sitting, doing nothing is a great way to indulge your early morning hour. You can start by meditating for 3 to 5 minutes for the start. Once you like the experience, you can increase the duration to 15 to 20 minutes.
- Be Creative
If you have a creative mind, you can utilize this early morning time for coming up with a new write-up, painting, poem or anything that you love to create.
- Walk or Exercise
The air of early morning is fresh and free of pollutants. A walk, jog or workout during the early hours, even for 10 minutes works wonderfully well to keep you zestful all the day through.
- Sip your Favorite tea or Coffee
A hot drink, an herbal or regular tea or a cup of coffee is the perfect way to give your body the wakeup call.
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Sleep Early to Wake up Early
you must sleep earlier. How can you do it?
- Set up a Time frame
You need to get a sleep of around 7 to 8 hours every night before you wake up. So, if you are waking up earlier then you must reschedule your sleeping time to few hours earlier. Make sure that you get to sleep for at least 7 hours or else you will feel sleepy and tired all the day. At the start, you might feel a bit sleepy during the daytime, as you are not used to waking up so early. If possible, try to get a short nap for 20 minutes and you will refreshed and ready for anything.
- Plan a Bedtime Ritual
Apart from brushing, you can also plan some special bedtime ritual, which will help you ready yourself immediately for the bed. For example, you can prepare your office bag or sort out your dress for the next day. It will serve as a sign off for the day and will prepare you mentally for sleeping early. You can try vidalista online.
- Avoid Electronic Items in Bed
Research says that you must stop watching television or using computer at least half an hour prior to sleeping because the bright light of the screen keeps your brain alert making it difficult for you to sleep the moment you hit the bed. So avoid using tablets, mobile phones and laptop in the bed. A book or Kindles are okay (not the Kindle Fire) if you are used to reading before sleeping.
- Make Exercise a Routine
A good workout ensures that your body receives oxygenated blood in adequate amount and the functions are carried out properly. Similarly, an intensive training session even of 10 minutes tires off the body and ensures good night sleep. Sipping a small glass of red wine is also a good idea but do not make it a habit or go overboard with the quantity.
- Imagine your Routine
If you are having trouble sleeping, imagine your schedule for the next day-what will you do the moment you wake up, how you will prepare for the office and so on. Concentrating on such issues ultimately leads to sleep.
It is never easy to make changes in your daily routine. But to wake up early morning and enjoy the bliss and rejuvenation it offers you need to put in a bit of effort. An early riser has lot to gain. He gets ample time to prepare himself to face the day; he can develop his skill and creativity with this new found time and use it to improve his overall well being.
Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.