How to Wake up Joyfully Every Morning?
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
Snoozing your high-tech rooster for several “five more minutes” and finally getting out of bed and rushing for your work place, skipping meals and a super-fast shower is everyone’s tragedy morning saga these days. Well, we all hate that irritating alarm noise waking us up annoyingly. Personally, I love my bed and my dearest sleep. But, waking up happily and cheerfully is not that difficult. Oops! I never said easy too!! It’s true we all have been very busy these days, staying up late at night due to work stress and personal reasons, but all we can do is giving our day a fresh and happier kick start to lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s very important to wake up joyfully in the morning to get rid of stress and anxiety that gets feed by our mind and body. There are few things (do’s and don’ts) that I have rounded up to make you wake up happily.
Never snooze
Your alarm dares you to hit the snooze. But if you snooze, you lose. According to science, snoozing your alarm actually never helps you, rather makes you feel more tired and groggy than if you had just woken up. Do whatever, but never snooze.
Change your waking tune
Admit it or not, everybody hates their alarm tune. It is so irritating and frowning that you get bound to snooze that several times till you wake up. So, here’s the best solution. Change your alarm tune into something soothing, refreshing or grooving music to wake you up more cheerfully. This also boosts your morning energy.
Play some music
Create a playlist on your music system for morning shake to rise and shine happier. As you get out of your cozy bed, turn on the music to groove.
Keep your curtains half closed
Let the natural soothing sun rays fall on your pretty face to wake you up more naturally. This not only soothes your eyes and body, but also makes you feel good and happy.
Wake up next to your beloved one
Sleep with your beloved ones, your spouse or kids to wake up joyfully next morning. When you wake up next to your beloved ones you feel good putting a smile on your face.
Cuddle and kiss your significant other
Cuddling and kissing your love, spouse, kids, siblings makes you feel much relaxing, happy and refreshed to fill you will new stack of energy.
Indulge in morning sex
If you sleep next to your spouse, you should embrace morning sex. Morning sex boosts your love hormones called dopamine and oxytocin that uplifts your mood and makes you feel happy and good.
Get exposed to nature
As soon as you wake up, get out of your bed and your room. Embrace the morning, feel the nature, the fresh air, soft and soothing sun rays that not only improve your mood and mind but also strengthen your bone health.
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Stretch and get set for jog
Stretching wakes up your body and mind by rejuvenating your mood. Regular morning workouts or jogging helps you to get energized to go all day.
Have your tea or coffee
If you’re not a morning person, then there are more chances of waking yourself up by a cup of fresh brewed coffee or a strong tea. Your coffee or tea mug gives you instant good vibes by rejuvenating your senses and uplifting your mood.
Get a warm shower
Get yourself a warm shower, finishing with a cool rinse to wake up joyfully every morning. Warm shower relaxes your body muscles by relieving tension promoting the sense of well being.
Fill your vase with fresh flowers
Wake yourself up happier to the mild and gentle fragrances of flowers in the morning to boost the neurotransmitters in your brain.
Do not turn on PC/TV
Try to stay away from Television and computers until it’s really urgent. If you getting an excuse of staying updated to the world news, then better get a newspaper to read. Morning is the time to feed your mind, body and soul with soothing senses not irritating and annoying noises.
Don’t check your phone
That’s what I used to do. But, once you get on to the track of waking up early in the morning cheerfully, you will love to stay away from your phone emails, notifications and messages.
Get dressed at your best
All we need to do is making ourselves feel better, happier, satisfied to embrace the entire day with a new fresh prospect with fresh solutions and ideas. And if you can do that by getting dressed as per your taste and comfort, go for it!
Get your favourite healthy breakfast
Yes, I said favourite but that totally doesn’t include fried fingers, chips, chocolate cakes, mango and vanilla pop tarts etc. Of course not! Rather, fill your stomach with few bread slices with some peanut butter, an egg omelet, fruit custard and a glass of fresh fruit juice.
Sleep in a complete dark room
Because sleeping in a mild to moderate light room, makes us sleep less with poor quality sleep waking us up more depressed and irritated.
Cut off late night snacks
Try to complete your night meals 1-2 hours prior to sleep because the late night meals makes your stomach still working to digest the food interrupting your quality sleep.
List down the upcoming best part of your day
Try to remind yourself what are the plans for the day ahead and what are the best segments you can enjoy? This instantly boosts your energy and enhances your mood and will surely help you to wake up joyfully every morning.
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Get some beautiful views
Yes, look at something beautiful when you wake up. Be it the sun rays reaching you through the leaves, flowers in your yard, scenic views if any at your location, your spouse’s smiling face or anything that makes you feel good and happy.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.