It’s scary to think about shifting to a plant-based diet, or even trying it out. The dread comes from this notion that all plant-based (in other words vegan) offer little to no taste with not as many nutritional benefits. The theory stems from the meat vs. plant debate, where the idea that eating meat has more nutritional value and provides more nutrients as a whole. Whilst this is not entirely true, many fried chicken lovers would beg to differ.
Of course, it’s not just taste that we look for when deciding what we should eat. Yeah, who are we kidding? It’s the first thing (and for some, the only thing) that counts. While a plant-based diet may seem dull and boring, it’s probably because it’s represented that way. How many childhood shows have we seen where practically all the characters (protagonists included), despise vegetables such as broccoli and turnips, to name a few? However, it’s not just the cartoons that showcase vegetables in a not-so positive light. Advertisements usually use this representation of vegetables as displeasing and distasteful to sell their products, not knowing some of us are not impressed or pleased, and believe that a plant-based diet is just as finger lickin’ good.
It’s not easy to transition to a plant-based diet, but it’s not impossible. Although this is a decision that is entirely dependent on you, you may want to give the diet a try and see how it suits you. A plant-based diet is known to be more beneficial to not just the human body but to the surrounding environment as well. Whilst being vegan is entirely about caring about animals as a whole and not just the food department, a vegan diet is one which is mainly plant-based with there being no use of animal products. Eliminating such elements from your diet is bound to have some effects, including a better immune system as eliminating animal products also translates to elimination of preservatives and additional chemicals harmful to the body.
If you’re looking to give the diet a try, the simplest way to transition into the diet or just try it out is to substitute one of your regular meals with a plant-based one. Its best if you start with breakfast, as this will allow you to experience a diet first hand-in the morning. To learn more about how you need to stock your kitchen or use scraps to start your day, read ahead.
Bananas Are Actually Eggs
When baking, this will come in handy. Courtesy of the soft gooey consistency of the fruit, the banana acts as a glue and combine effortlessly will all other ingredients in your mixing bowl. A helpful tip for those also looking to start the day with pancakes.
Getting To Know Grains
There are plenty of ways in which grains can be used as a plant-based breakfast. Popular choices include quinoa and granola, both being grains that you can be versatile with. Some of these grains with fresh fruit will be the perfect sweet start you need to your day.
Plant-based Products
With more awareness about an all plant diet, companies have gone a step ahead to produce products that are animal friendly, with Kellogg’s being one of the first to join the organic market upon their release of Super Grains Granola back in 2017. Many companies have also released protein bars for weight loss, which are mainly granola bars with added protein. These bars are great if you’re running short on time and are late to work. Plus, these bars have a high metabolism increase rate, consequentially aiding the burn of extra calories. What more reason is there to get one?
Whether you decide to transition to the controversial diet or choose to steer clear from it, it is most definitely worth a try.