UPSC CDS 2021 – Is it possible to clear UPSC CDS in first attempt?
Is it possible to clear an exam like UPSC CDS 2021 on the very first attempt? Well, the answer is, of course, yes! But for that, aspirants must have a solid UPSC CDS Preparation Plan. Here, we will share a few kick-ass tricks to clear the exam in the first attempt.
The UPSC Combined Defense Services Examination takes place twice a year to fulfil the available vacancies within the Indian Military Services, Indian Naval Services and Indian Airforce every six months.
The UPSC CDS 2021 (1) exam has concluded successfully. The UPSC CDS 2021 (2) exam will occur on 14th November 2021 as per the UPSC Exam Calendar 2021. Read on to know how to crack the UPSC CDS exam in the first attempt.
10 Ultimate Prep Hacks to crack UPSC CDS 2021 on the first attempt.
Let us now look at some tips and tricks for qualifying for the CDS examination on the first attempt.
1. Have a Clear Goal and Vision
First of all, candidates must have a clear goal in their career. Nothing comes quick and sudden; give time to yourself to realise the goals and aspirations.
All the CDS aspirants must be aware of ‘why’ they want to give the CDS examination successfully. We all have the materialistic values behind appearing in such competitive examinations, but that is not everything. One must find out why they want to be a part of the Indian Army, Navy or Airforce. Aspirants must ask themselves – “What I have in me to be suitable for such posts?”
Besides having a desire to be financially independent, aspirants may desire to serve the country and make their parents proud by cracking the CDS exam.
2. Plan the UPSC CDS Exam
After fixing your goal, you need to prepare a plan. The plan deserves to be both short- and long-term, depending upon the time one has before appearing in the CDS examination. As mentioned above, all three services have different eligibility criteria. The basic criteria is a graduation degree in some specific field done from a recognised university.
Therefore, one must prepare a plan for the UPSC CDS preparation during their graduation level. This will certainly save time and will also prepare a base for the examination. However, aspirants must break down a single plan into small topic-wise or day-wise plans. The plans should be flexible and modified as per need.
3. Vivid Awareness about the CDS Syllabus
Another important step that brings one closer to qualifying for the CDS examination in the first attempt is complete awareness of the CDS exam syllabus. Applicants must know the CDS syllabus like the palm of their hand!
The syllabus of such competitive exams is not very much to the point and sometimes require a broader focus to be aware of all the Units and Rubiks present in the syllabus. The pattern of CDS examination consisting of Maths and English is almost the same everywhere, unlike that of the General Knowledge section.
A complete analysis of the entire syllabus would help the aspirants to prepare themselves thoroughly for the examination. For better results, one must identify the critical topics from the UPSC CDS syllabus and regularly go through them for 2 – 3 weeks.
4. 65 + marks in any of the three papers
To qualify for the UPSC CDS examination in one go, the candidates must score 65+ marks in either English or Mathematics or GK. Scoring more marks in GK becomes quite difficult because the pattern and the level of the paper tend to change every time.
Usually, the pattern of CDS English and Mathematics paper remains mostly unchanged. Thus, it becomes easy for the students to score better marks. One must have a grip over any of the subjects to attract more marks in that subject. A 15 – 20 marks more than the actual cut off can work wonders in your bid to get selected.
5. Read Newspapers
Scoring marks in the static subjects is quite easier as compared to the more dynamic General Knowledge section. If one has complete awareness about current affairs, then scoring in this section is easy.
This miracle can happen only through consistent reading of the newspaper. One of the most preferred newspapers is The Hindu and The Indian Express.
We will suggest that one should have complete knowledge about certain areas like polity and international affairs. Applicants must always have a self – reliant and independent way of dealing with current affairs.
6. Importance of NCERTs
First of all, every CDS aspirant must prepare their base through the NCERT. The NCERT syllabus comprises every subject – Social Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. From the analysis of last year’s CDS question paper, it is found that the questions are based on the NCERT syllabus.
Thus following the NCERT syllabus becomes extremely crucial. The NCERT syllabus of different subjects from class 9th – 12th offers aspirants a strong base for competitive exams.
7. Practise Last year CDS Question Papers.
After preparation, start solving the previous year question papers of UPSC CDS. The past 5 – 6 years of CDS question papers are good enough to solve the purpose. Start solving the papers within two months before the CDS examination.
Solve one question paper a day up to 2 months before the exam in a time-bound manner. Such an approach will help to qualify for the exam in one go.
8. SSB Personal Interview
During an SSB Personal Interview, the focus will be on the candidates’ thinking ability and analytical skills. Members usually look for the spirit in the candidate to deal with their services efficiently.
An ideal personality must be a mixture of physical fitness and the efficient cognitions that serve the basis of any individual. Thus, every CDS aspirant must focus on their individual growth and development. Listening to successful aspirants’ speeches and experience will help to understand the requirements of the services better.
9. Positive Attitude
One of the most important criteria for qualifying CDS is a positive outlook on every favourable and unfavourable situation. This attitude will help the candidates to stay focussed and determined to do well in the CDS exam. A positive mindset also augurs well during the Personal Interview.
10. UPSC CDS Physical Exam
In the Defense sector, the applicants are expected to be mentally and physically strong. To crack the CDS exam in the first attempt, it is important to clear the CDS physical and medical exam.
No candidate should have a record of mental breakdown. The physical exam is one of the important sections in CDS selection. The hopefuls can follow the below-mentioned tricks to maintain a fit body.
The height and weight of the candidate must be on a standard scale.
Exercise regularly by following proper guidelines. This is important for maintaining a fit body.
Get a thorough body checkup done before the CDS Medical Exam and ensure that there is no illness.
All the CDS aspirants must follow these ten kick-ass tips to qualify for their CDS examination at one go. Along with the complete dedication towards academics, a proper personality, and a positive attitude, one can make it in the first attempt. Stay tuned to our blogs for more such information on UPSC CDS 2021.
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