How To Find The True Love Of Life?
This post was last updated on September 18th, 2018
What is the only reason that motivates us to excel? Why is that we are always looking for someone to share our dreams and take care of us? The simple answer is because man is an emotional being and always seeks for true love.
That is why; you will find people unhappy and desperate even when they have all the wealth and affluence at their footsteps. But a man who has a faithful and loving partner really enjoys his life to the fullest. So, what it is it that will help you to find that love of life so that you too can indulge in this nectar of happiness and live the way you have always wanted?
Here we are discussing a few things that you ought to follow if you are indeed eager, to attract true love in your life. Primarily, it is important that you prepare yourself to nurture and cherish the relationship so that it blooms into a lasting association.
The tips below not only lead you onto the path of love, but will also help you to keep your beloved with your for always.
Leave the Past Behind
Everyone has a past. Be it a school crush, an infatuation or even a full- fledged affair, as you grow up from your adolescence to adulthood, it is but natural to be engaged in myriad emotional relationships and states. However, to make a fresh start and find the love you desire, it is quintessential that you leave the ghosts of the past behind.
Although it is certainly not easy to forget someone with whom you have been deeply attached, you should make efforts to let the bygones be bygones. After all, every break up has an expiry date. Let some time pass away before indulging in a new relationship and make a fresh start so that the reflections of the past do not shadow your new affair.
Emotional Insecurities, Fear & Ego
Our achievements, possessions and materialistic assets make us feel proud. Most of the relationships falter due to ego clashes. Thus, the one thing that you should always watch is your ego. Major problem is that we seem to attach so much importance to our external appearance in our relationship, such as the way we dress, the place we date and so on that we really lose touch with the inner conscious and wise side of us.
Instead of attaching ourselves to such false identities if you become more open to others, love will be surely a fulfilling experience. Once you keep your ego and arrogance aside, true love comes shining your way.
Communicate Clearly
Desire and expectations are a part of every relationship, more so if you are in a romantic alliance. But many times out of fear of losing your partner, you simply avoid saying things that can be quite crucial for the sustenance of your relationship in the long run. Avoid filtering the details for your convenience and be brave while interacting even if it highlights your drawbacks.
In the end, as the affair progresses, your partner will come to know about your flaws and qualities. So, if you are honest from the start, it will help to develop a trustful bonding.
Secondly, lack of proper communication also can lead to misunderstandings and you can take your partner for granted, expecting more of him or her, causing a feeling of non-fulfillment when things do not turn out as expected. Unhappiness leads to resent that can slowly develop into negative thoughts giving a jerk to the natural development of your relationship.
Instead, if you openly talk with your fiancée the feelings of your heart, your expectations, and needs you will be able to get his/her clear view on the issue without causing any confusion or expectations. So, the tip is to talk and communicate clearly without keeping things bottled up and making each other feel guilty or lacking.
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Be a Good Listener
Just as communicating your heartfelt feelings are important; similarly, listening to the perspective and views of your lover is equally imperative. For a relationship to run smoothly, you need to be a good listener and give ample time to your other half to open up and state things clearly. If due to lack of courage or shyness, your partner is unable to voice out his feelings, you must encourage him so that eventually the truth comes out and the issue is resolved.
Be Ready for a Default Settling
Usually what attract two people to each other are good looks. But the relationship develops when the views and the approach to life are alike. Deep down everyone is a good person and no one purposely wants to hurt the other. The intention is always to find a good combination and lead a satisfied life of togetherness.
But it is not necessary that two good people will always form a good partnership. Albeit many people who are in love with each other do not have, things in common, but still manage to live a happy life together. The idea is to admit the flaws of each other and ensure that when it comes to deciding the values and principles of life, both are on the same plain. The approach can be independent and a bit different, but ultimately, if you respect each other’s opinions and ways of living, the relationship can grow and last forever.
More importantly, if both of you cannot respect the views of each other it is better to quit the relationship as early as possible before you make it legal. At any step whenever you feel that you are just carrying along to fulfill your commitment or feel the relationship as a burden, you must quit or at the end, it will lead to quarrel and bitterness.
So, if you genuinely wish to find true love, you must develop these qualities and approach towards a relationship apart from of course polishing your general social skills that can be effective as armor to attract the love of your life.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.