Top Sports You Can Play For Fun and Health
This post was last updated on February 12th, 2024

Playing sports is one way to live a healthy lifestyle; there are so many sports you can play for fun as well as building a career.
The Top Sports You Can Play shows you some of the games you can play anywhere in the world.
1. Cricket
The most popular sport in the world is definitely soccer – that’s why we have the World Cup, and everyone agrees. However, the one that comes second on the list is probably cricket. The game has a fan following of about 2.5 billion people around the globe. Cricket may not be generating big revenue.
2. Table Tennis
Table Tennis is an Olympic sport. The game is played across all levels of society. Before 2011, table tennis and ping pong were considered the same sport but Ping Pong Beast and table tennis players made the difference clear. Although, the modern game tennis has its origin in England; the popularity is spread globally in a concise period. This game is mostly played as a hobby. Indonesia, China, and Malaysia have big names in the game.
3. America football
On this list, America football is the most popular sport especially and the most watched sport in America among others. America football is also the ninth most popular sport in the whole sports world. It has a fan following of about 4 million. America football ties with basketball regarding popularity. The game has its origin from the US, and it is not very common in other continents. The most popular legal football is the NFA that is played in the USA. The game generates revenue of over 10 billion dollars annually. This sport is probably the most dangerous sport because it has a famous history of injuries which is why it requires you to wear protective gear when playing.
4. Football (Soccer)
The USA is one of those few countries where it is not at the top and terms of popularity. Regarding viewership, football is regarded as the most popular sports in the world. It has a fan of almost 4.5 billion from every continent. Europe is the home of football with UEFA Champions league been the most prominent competition across club level. The most-watched competition in history was at the 2014 World Cup. Concerning revenue generation, football is the biggest.
5. Field hockey
The game is generally known as hockey. The name ice hockey is commonly used in countries where hockey was used as dry field hockey. It is the fourth most popular sports around the world. It is the national sport of Pakistan, and it is the third most popular sports in the world especially in the South Asian region like Indian, Pakistan.
6. Basketball
Basketball is the third most popular sports on this list. Basketball is the tenth most followed sports in the world. The game has its origin in the US. It ties with America football regarding popularity. The United State is known as the home of basketball, with a fan following of 400 million. It is the ninth most followed sports in the world. The US is known as the home of basketball. There was a time the game was restricted in the US but not at the moment. It has increased popularity and might become one of the most popular sports in the next decade. Basketball has the second highest average salary of a player been 4.4 million dollars a year. Big stars like Bryan turns almost 25 million dollars in salary a year.
7. Baseball
Baseball is the second most popular sports on this list. It is very popular in America. In America baseball is called the game of national past time. The people of Japan and US are very passionate about baseball.
8. Golf
It has been said that Europeans migrated to America and brought the game across the Atlantics. The game of golf took a lot to become famous in the world. It is considered a game for the affluent people in the society and it is no surprise that it has the largest professional prospects in developed countries like Japan, USA, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Korea. Although golf is the eight most popular sports in the world, it has the most revenue generation and big prize money to the players. It has a fan following of about 450 million. Tiger Woods is a big Shot in this sport.
9. Volleyball
On the 5th sport is volleyball. It is a simple game, and this is the reason for its popularity. It is very popular in the developing regions of the world such as Turkey, Korea, Poland, Brazil, and many other European and African countries. It has the most registered federation than any other sport.
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