Top 15 Exercise/Workout Motivation Tips That Never Fail to Work
Tips that Work
Crazy though it may sound, the tips given below certainly work because these are derived from the evaluation by the psychologists and the economists who have been trying to decode what compels us to do the same thing repeatedly, especially the one that we do not want to do. The strategies, thus, have been developed taking a cue from such research and experiments and hence are bound to hit you hard enough to get you moving.
1. The feeling after exercise
Keep on asking yourself how you feel after you have completed a good workout. It certainly does seem to make you feel high. That feeling is a motivating factor. So keep on reminding yourself how good you feel after the workout and you will stay motivated to try to do the same the next day.
2. Take Time for Yourself
We always have time for others like kids, co-workers, spouse, boss and other family members and relatives who drop now and then with their casualties demanding your time. But what about time for yourself? Gear up and think of the last time you spent some quality time thinking about yourself and your fitness? For many, this simple shift in the thought can give a jolt and make them look at their workout schedule with more seriousness.
3. Keep on Counting Calories
Of course, counting calories is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. But it also helps you to know how much you should workout to burn the extra calories that went down with that chocolate pastry or a portion of French fries. The more you exercise the more calories you burn, so counting calories can help you stay glued to your workout routine.
4. Make Exercise Fun-time
You certainly should do exercise seriously, but it does not mean that you should not enjoy the time you spend during exercising. Rather, if you choose a type of exercise that keeps you happy such as aerobic dancing, you are more likely to stick to it. So, any kind of activity that gives fun and also helps you burn calories is just perfect.
5. Visualize your Ideal Figure
Men and women both love to have a fit and shapely body. To stay motivated, just keep on imagining how you would look if you lose those extra packs on the belly or the pouches on your bump. The slim and fit image can really push you hard to reach the gym and complete your daily exercise routine.
6. Read and See More
Subscribe to fitness magazines and online newsletters (they are free). These magazines not only carry tips for losing weight and keeping fit, but also introduce you to the routine the celebs and famous follow to look good and stay in the spotlight. Just as the pics of their fab and fit body have you drooling over them, similarly, they can drive you to take constructive steps to try out their workout and diet regime for the best.
7. Go Through the Success Stories
Nothing can be more inspirational than reading the real life success stories of people who transferred their bodies from plump to slim. These are the stories of simple people who do not have exclusive resources for looking fit and beautiful, but still manage to get over the odds and reach their fitness goal.
8. Join the Health Forums
You can join the various health forums on the social networking sites that are especially dedicated to fitness and health topics. The discussions, comments and expert opinions encourage you to try harder. When someone on the forum, posts how he lost his last stubborn couple of kilos, you are motivated to try out the way he did. Check in daily to stick to your goals.
9. Reward yourself
If you lose a few kilos, you certainly deserve a treat. It does not mean that you should go over the board and start munching on your favorite sweets, but there is no harm in indulging in a small portion of fruity cake or a chocolate muffin. Do reward yourself so that it will motivate you to continue with your workout.
10. Choose a Smaller Dress
Pick up a dress that is one size smaller than yours is and keep on looking at it every day. The idea to fit into that dress and look gorgeous will help you stay motivated.
11. Set a Competition
It is a proven fact that if you take up a challenge with a partner, you are bound to work harder and stay tuned with the activity. If you have a friend who too is in need of motivation, set a goal in between you. The competitive spirit in you will make you work harder during the workout and eventually you will end up getting used to a daily habit of exercising.
12. Stick Motivational Quotes
Motivational quotes are for what they mean. Stick such motivational quotes where you can see them frequently such as dining room, bedroom and even bathroom. A constant hammering of these quotes will keep on reminding you about doing your exercise regularly.
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13. Hire a Trainer
If you can afford it, you can hire a trainer or a coach who will come to you regularly and make you do the workouts without break. Once you get used to the daily routine and understand the nuances of resistant or intense exercising, you can start doing it on your own. To make the arrangement budget-friendly you can include some like-minded friends who are ready to share the trainer’s pay.
14. Use the Exercise Time to Think
When you are doing a workout, you are concentrating on yourself and hence have enough time to think. It may sound unbelievable, but many people utilize this time also for thinking about themselves and their lives. It is because during exercise, your complete focus is on yourself and nothing else distracts you so you are more likely to hit upon a creative idea or a solution to resolve a long-standing affair.
15. Make a Habit of Writing Down
For many people writing down their daily routine, including their diet and workout is very important. When you put down the way you spend time, you can evaluate how much quality time you have spent and how much you have just wasted. When you put into the writing, the amount of calories you ate and the time you spent at the gym, you can easily analyze the need to exercise more for burning those extra calories.
Implementing the above motivational strategies will surely help you reschedule your life and include exercise as a part of your daily routine.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.