Top 7 Tips to Control Diabetes
Diabetes has become a common health issue. It is known as a lifestyle disease which cannot be cured completely but controlled. A diabetes patient needs to control it else this disease can lead to building up of sugar in the patient’s blood which can be a reason for heart disease or other complications related to health. The scary thing about diabetes is that it can strike you in any walk of your life. The number of diabetes patient has increased in the past few years dramatically,and still,many people with diabetes don’t know about their health condition.
There are three major types of Diabetes; Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes,and Gestational Diabetes. ER stress plays a great role in the development of diabetes by contributing to pancreatic beta cells loss. According to experts, if you can protect your pancreatic beta cells, then Type 1 Diabetes can be controlled.
Oxidative stress has been proposed as the root cause underlying the development type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 2 Diabetes is milder than the Type 1 Diabetes, and it can be controlled by weight management.
Pregnancy is the reason for Gestational Diabetes. Daily exercise, controlling the pregnancy weight and taking diabetes insulin in the supervision of a doctor can help the patient to control this type of diabetes.
In this post, we will tell you about the top 7 tips to control diabetes.
Top 7 Tips to Control Diabetes
If your doctor tells you that your sugar is little high, then don’t take it easy as it may be the indication of rising diabetes. Diabetes is a common but serious health issue which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your hands and legs or it can be a reason of heart stroke or kidney related issues. To prevent yourself from the major health issues caused by Diabetes, it’s better to control it. So, let me know how you can control Diabetes.
1. Be Active
Don’t be panic if you have diagnosed with Diabetes. Activeness is the key which can control this disease. Don’t sit at a place for a long time. Keep moving and don’t be lazy. Your small walks in the office or at home from one room to another can help you to control diabetes.
2. Low-Calorie Diet
Your diet has a strong connection with your health. In any health condition, the first thing you need to change or improve is your diet. In the case of diabetes, you will have to follow the low-calorie diet. Foods rich in Tran’s fats, like sugar and saturated fat, can cause you more health-related issues.You can include fruits and vegetables in your daily intake to lead a healthy life despite having diabetes.
3. Lead a Stress-Free Life
Stress affects your blood sugar directly. No matter how healthy your lifestyle is but if you have stress then somewhere you are inviting the complications of Diabetes. The stress is normal in today’s lifestyle,but you can also beat it by meditation, yoga, long walk or pursuing your hobby.
4. Quality Sleep
A sound and quality sleep improve your health, and it applies in the case of diabetes as well. Sleep deprivation can cause more issues,and a sound sleep can improve your glucose metabolism and increased blood level.
5. Eat Well
If your body weight has increased because of any reason or maybe because of diabetes, then do not think of eating less. You know the needs of food for your body so do not pick the option of starving to lose your body weight. You can eatlow-calorie food and fiber-rich food to lose weight and stay healthy.
6. Drink Water
Drink plenty of water to enjoy the best health. If you drink any juice or sugar-sweetened beverages, then replace them immediately with water. The sugar-sweetened beverages have a high portion of sugar which can causes complication to your health in the diabetes.
7. A Healthy Routine
It’s a must for you to have a strict daily routine. Exercise, balanced food, and meditation or Yoga should be a part of your daily routine. If you do the exercise and yoga daily then only it will make a positive effect on your health and help to control your diabetes.
If you are a diabetic, then don’t blame your blood sugar only. A few habits like consuming alcohol and using tobacco are equally responsible for your health condition, so avoid them. Diabetes management is all about leading a healthy and happy life. Do not fear of diabetes but face it with healthy and disciplined routine.
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