Top 6 Construction Site Accidents That Range From Minor Bruises To Fatal Ones!
On site accidents are the most common injuries that workers, as well as other contractors, often deal with. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) report that one in every 10 construction workers are at risk of having a fatal accident. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports over 15,000 construction site accidents every year.
Working at uneven places, handling the equipment without proper knowledge, and working in between power tools or at heights posses huge threats to the safety of a worker. If you want to be safe at work, here are a few common injuries you need to stay protected from:
Employee Fall From Height
Whether you are working with a ladder or scaffolding or is safely doing the roof job, falls likely to occur. They are one of the biggest causes of on-job fatalities and is life-threatening. Moreover, the chance of recovering from a fall that is more than 30 feet is low; in fact, even at six foot fall can result in the major casualty if you landed on the wrong body part. You might have spinal, neck or head injury or can suffer injuries that can lead to death.
Accidents From Falling Objects
Since construction workers are often stuck with the tools and other building materials, they are also at risk of being caught in fall injuries. Further, falling equipment or construction materials can put you in serious life-threatening injuries.
Placement of loose items that are placed at some heights, faulty construction design and equipment malfunction are some of the causes of fall injuries.
Slip Accidents
Slip at construction sites can cause injuries that range from the minor ones to the fatal ones. Some common injuries that workers suffer are lacerations, breaks, bruises, head trauma and more.
However, as a result, a construction worker who gets injured can recoup damages from the construction accident attorney. Some of the common risk factors of fall and slip injuries are: Walking at uneven surfaces, cracks, broken walkways, equipment traffic, slip pathways, obstructions like cables, horses, power cords and more.
Machinery Accidents
Anyone working within the machine equipment and dangerous tools like table saws, heat guns, weldings, hammer drills, chop saws and more are at high risk of machine-related injuries. Moreover, if you are working on a factory assembly line, you might have to deal with power screwdrivers, conveyor belts, overhead cranes, forklifts, which are more likely to cause fatal accidents if not operated properly. You might have to burn injuries, broken bones, shoulder and neck injuries, hearing and vision loss or anything more common than you think.
Electrical Accidents On Job Sites
High voltage shocks can be both damaging and deadly. Working in the workspaces that comprise of exposed wiring, wiring that is not installed properly and other electrocution hazards can cause severe burns, cardiac arrest and can even lead to death.
Moreover, electrocution can also damage the nervous system and can also affect the functionality of internal organs as well as your cognitive abilities. Additionally, in serious electrocution injuries, the patient can experience an abnormal contraction of heart muscles, which, if not treated, can cause the heart to stop.
Unexpected Explosion And Fire At Workplaces
Accidental fires and explosions are caused by poor pipe fitting, faulty gas lines, improperly stored combustible materials and open flames is another reason for workplace injuries. These explosive cause damage to the respiratory system and burns on the body. Fire, explosions are of four types:
- Primary blast injury: This occurs due to the effect of pressure on body tissues, which affects ears, lungs as well as GI tract.
- Secondary blast injuries: This occurs when an explosive object strike is flying the nearby worker.
- Tertiary Blast Injury: In this high-energy explosion can pull someone off the ground
- Quaternary Blast Injury: Crush injuries, burns, inhalation of toxic substances are some of the common Quaternary blast injuries.
If you or someone you love is working on a construction site, let them be aware of the above injuries to keep them stay protected!
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