Top 3 Sports for Women

This post was last updated on January 15th, 2025

Sports for Women

Going to the gym is tedious but a necessity for those who want to get in shape — or that’s what advertising wants you to believe. The truth is there are so many ways you can get in shape without spending all that time at the gym, lifting weights and running on the treadmill. While it is definitely a lot more convenient, here are 3 sports that will help tone your body and build strength at the same time. The best part is that none of these sports are particularly brain-numbing or boring so before you start searching for a female personal trainer, try out one of the sports and see if it is suitable for you. 

1. Golfing

A sport that allows women to dress sharply (perfect for those who love dressing up and lives fashion) but also one that looks like it doesn’t burn a whole lot of calories. However, lugging around that golf bag filled with golf clubs is akin to burning 30-40 mins worth of calories on the treadmill. A relaxing sport that is often labeled as an old person’s game, it will give you your daily (or weekly) dose of sunshine and nature, it’s a sport that encourages a peace of mind and will even help you focus on your daily tasks by honing your concentration skills. A game of golf requires plenty of walking and swinging and it has also been shown to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and your blood pressure. 

2. Tennis

Another sport that has cute outfits for women is tennis but that doesn’t mean it is not an intense sport. On the contrary, it’s probably one of the most high strung sports which is great for cardiovascular health. Darting from one end of the court to the other, with laser-sharp scrutiny on the ball, tennis will allow you to smash your stress out of the park, burn 400 calories per hour (in a singles match) and build muscle. With the rigorous movements, you will be able to tone the muscles in your back, arms and core, sculpting a sexy body. According to Forbes, it even lengthens life expectancy. However, the healthiest sport according to Forbes isn’t tennis but… 

3. Squash

Similar to tennis, it requires good hand-eye coordination, high levels of energy and also develops strength and muscles. It also increases aerobic fitness and boosts flexibility. What makes it stand apart from tennis is that there is no wait-time. You’re moving continuously without any chance of taking a breather for an hour. Furthermore, the ball does not just come from one direction. 

Opting to pick up a new sport is a much more substantial choice over going to the gym or simply going running because in picking up a new skill. It has proven to be much more effective at helping put the pounds away because instead of solely working on sweating and burning as many calories as you can, but you’ll be focused on the game itself. 

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