5 Favorite Tips on Handling Invisible Aligners

This post was last updated on January 2nd, 2025

Handling Invisible Aligners

Teeth straightening was traditionally possible through braces, but Invisalign has added advantages. They have no wire brackets; they are clear and are removable. The South Bay Invisalign® specialists off the revolutionary teeth-straightening option to correct misaligned teeth or crooked teeth. Therefore, orthodontics can straighten your smile and make you feel better about yourself. However, it does not come without a commitment. The care you give to the Invisalign ensures it delivers permanent and impressive results with fewer risks of complications. Here is how you should handle your aligners.

1. Putting the Tray In

Wearing a tray of Invisalign might seem simple but must be done correctly. Your doctor might do it on your first set but ensure they show you how to do it yourself. Remember that you will have to wear a different set after a while, and you do not have to visit your doctor every time you want to do it. Generally, the Invisalign is to be aligned with your teeth. The Invisalign is to be put into the mouth, moving back and forth while holding near the back of the tray with both hands. Although you might experience discomfort or tightness for the first time, avoid biting the tray into place as that can destroy them.

2. Taking the Trays Out

As simple as it sounds, you must ensure you remove the Invisalign properly to avoid damage. Remember that you will need to remove a tray when eating, clean them, or replace them. You have to hold the tray around the back teeth and gently pull it off from the back towards your front teeth. Ensure you hold the area it is anchored, and you can feel this with a fingernail to ensure you pry between the tooth and the aligner.

3. Cleaning the Aligner

It would help if you cleaned your aligners regularly to minimize the chances of damage to the orthodontics and your underlying teeth. You will avoid any harsh cleaners and chemicals. Brush and rinse your aligners with a soft-bristled brush to eliminate excess particles from the surface.  Although you can still use a standard toothpaste to clean the trays, ensure you thoroughly rinse them with warm water afterward. Consider doing this every time you brush your teeth.

4. Cleaning Your Teeth

Getting Invisalign does not prevent you from maintaining your oral hygiene practice. You have to continue brushing and flossing your teeth regularly to avoid oral health complications. You will have to brush and floss your teeth before you get a tray in. This will help avoid trapping bacteria and unwanted debris between your Invisalign and teeth. Every time you eat, ensure you brush your teeth before putting the tray back. Where brushing is not convenient, especially when you are traveling or at work, you can rinse your mouth and remember to do a thorough cleaning when you get the opportunity.

5. Wear Aligners Most of the Time

Although you can get the aligners out on some occasions, it does not allow you to remove them any time you feel uncomfortable. Your aligners need to remain on most of the time to have more effects on straightening your teeth. Generally, ensure your aligners are on about 20-22 hours every day. Staying scheduled will help you get the next set of aligners soon and start enjoying better results.

You can contact the Invisalign specialists at Dental Arts of South Bay for more information about handling aligners. Call them or book your consultation appointment online to start your perfect smile journey.


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