Tips for Healthy Foods and Drinks

This post was last updated on September 17th, 2018

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body nowadays, the first important step to be taken is to start eating and drinking as clean as possible. Fat is not just an aesthetic problem. It does not just deposit under the skin. Heavy persons have layers of fat and around the organs, which affects their functioning.

Tips for Healthy Foods and Drinks

Source: pixabay

The Principles of a Healthy Diet

The main target of a diet is to eliminate toxins. This is because there are food habits that, however tasty they are, in the long run they might end up surprising you. The basic principles that should be followed are:

  • No roast – baked, boiled, oven but without oil or, in some cases, a little oil but not sunflower;
  • No fast food and all kinds of fast food;
  • Eat as simple and clean as possible – without any linings or sauces. Use simple vegetable and mustard spices and add a salad or garnish of raw vegetables, grill or other roasting options to the steak. Is mutton healthy if used regularly? Experts agree that moderate consumption will not impact a person’s health at all.
  • No bread and no pasta. Only whole grains (whole meal), never in the evening and with measure.
  • No bottled juices and no carbohydrates. Try as much as possible to prepare your own fruit and vegetable juices. Because it’s hard to carry your home juice after you, drink the bottled ones with measure. Consider them as food. Drink them for taste and do not doubt the toddy health benefits!
  • Drink a lot of water.

The Ideal Lifestyle

Trying as much as possible to relieve your need for sweet fruit, but eating them in the first part of the day without mixing them with other foods. That means breakfast or snack, 2 hours away from the main course of the day.

  • No excess sugar.
  • Replace with brown sugar or other natural sweeteners.
  • No sweeteners.
  • No teas, powders, pills, bars and other “wondrous” recipes to lose weight.

Healthy Food Tips Source: pixabay

Perfect Drinks

Homemade juices, tea and ice tea. And, of course, water and who would have thought, vodka?

It seems strange to talk about vodka health benefits, but that’s the reality. Consumed moderately, do not hurt. Its benefits include cardiovascular health, stress reduction, relieving dental pain, removing bad smell from the mouth. Vodka is an astringent that helps skin and hair growth. It also has antiseptic, antibacterial properties that help wound disinfection and works as a cleanser. And when it comes to homemade juice, nothing can beat the complex vitamin benefits of the sugarcane juice for health. Last, but not least, comes beer, which if moderately consumed can seriously improve the condition of the kidneys.

Beer Healthy Drink

Source: pixabay


In general, one must eat only foods that are compatible with each other. Avoid, for example, milk with other dairy products (cheeses). Oil fruits (nuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.), bread, apples, and natural butter can be eaten with any other food. Starch-containing foods, fruits, cereals, or other carbon-based foods are compatible combinations. Experience and, above all, the instinct must guide you in choosing compatible blends between them. Try, as much as possible, each meal should contain crudities such as salads, fruits, etc. Limit to four or five table foods. Discard complicated blends and heteroclite combinations that cause unusual stomach problems. Learn to eat at a fixed hour if you are hungry. Enjoy two full meals a day and everything’s going to be perfectly fine.

Tips for Healthy Foods and DrinksSource: pixabay


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