Australia isn’t alone in having to endure the Covid-19 crisis, indeed, the Coronavirus quickly spread from China and affected the entire world and this pandemic has reminded us all for the need to encourage and promote safety in the workplace. Here are a few tips to ensure that your employees have a safe environment in which to work.
PPE Availability
Every business owner must be fully committed to providing staff and customers with adequate PPE. Face masks and hand sanitiser can be bulk ordered online and will be delivered to your business premises and you should make sure you have a reserve supply.
Electrical System Testing
There is affordable electrical test and tag services from Jim’s Test & Tag, who can make sure that your power system is OHS/WHS compliant. This includes checking your fire safety equipment and the company has more than 100 franchisees across the country, so there’s bound to be one that covers your area. Electrical fires can easily occur, especially in an industrial environment and with safety cut-out switches in the right places, you will be compliant with state requirements.
Staff Safety Meetings
This should occur once a month when the manager can remind staff of safety procedures, while also welcoming any feedback. If there were issues, they should be discussed and steps taken to ensure there are no repeats. It is possible to bring in a third party that trains staff on safe manual handling processes; they can be found with an online search and this will help to prevent back and neck injuries from incorrect handling.
Safety Signage
You should assign one staff member to do a weekly check that all the safety signage is clean and clearly visible and any that are damaged should be replaced. Safety signage can be acquired from the online supplier at trade prices.
Review your Security Status
You could ask your local locksmith to pay you a visit and evaluate your current level of security, which he would be happy to do and should you wish to add a layer of security, the locksmith can supply & install a wide range of security systems. You could consider a keyless access control system that allows authorised people into your premises, or have employees swipe a card, which is very effective.
It is important to keep updated regarding the pandemic, as things can change very quickly with a virus crisis and always make sure you have ample PPE for staff to use. Those who can work from home should, as this reduces the chance of the virus being transmitted, many people are already working from home.