20 Things You Must Stop Doing To Be Successful
Success is the perfect blend of right thoughts, plans, action and dedication. There is no short cut for success and being successful. Successful people are considered as the motivators and advisers as they have completed the entire journey towards success. There is a huge difference between unsuccessful and successful people. It is the matter of choices that unsuccessful people make in their daily life and create invisible hindrances in the way towards success being unaware of it. For an example if you can’t get control over your unstable mind which always gets distracted then you can’t focus on your goal and will lose the way towards success. You need immense power to control and manage your desires and distractions to stay focused. Here are few things that you must stop doing to be successful.
1. Avoiding issues and problems
You can’t just run away from your problems and issues being a coward. You need to confront your problems and find solutions to make things right and keep them back on the track.
2. Focusing more on negatives
When you want some positive things in your life you need to be full of positive thoughts, ideas, behaviour and actions, You must stop living in negative ideas that only demotivates you and demoralize you. You have to stop focusing on negative thoughts to be successful.
3. Making Excuses
A trait found in an irresponsible person who always makes excuses. Successful people aren’t irresponsible. You need to take full responsibility and complete a task giving your best and if anything goes wrong admit your mistake which will help you to move one step further towards success.
4. Fearing from failure
Being scared of failures is not an ideal person’s behaviour. Failures are the result of repeated trials and best efforts. So keep trying until you get success. Stop fearing from failure if you want to be successful.
5. Expecting perfection
No one is perfect in this world and you can’t simply expect picture perfect work from everyone. Perfection needs practice and if you need perfection you must practice or make others to practice enough to excel. Better stop expecting perfection or do less expect things.
6. Looking for shortcut
As I said before, there’s no shortcut to success or to be successful. You need to put your best effort with full devotion, dedication and determination. Hard work is the only ingredient towards success, hence stop looking for shortcuts to be successful.
7. Self abusing
If you can’t slap yourself, you can’t hurt yourself physically, then how could you abuse yourself. Saying negative words for yourself that ‘you are good for nothing’, ‘you are a fool’, ‘you can’t achieve anything in your life’, ‘you are a looser’ only demoralizes you and weakens your confidence in you. Stop abusing yourself.
8. Getting distracted
Distractions are quite unavoidable. But determination is something which works amazingly for distractions. If you stay completely determined you will overcome your distractions. Distraction always divert you and your mind from the way of success.
9. Working aimlessly
Successful people always put a well defined goal for themselves to make it clear what are they doing and why they need to do it. Goals will help you to achieve success effectively and efficiently. Working or living aimlessly will lead you nowhere.
10. Comparing yourself to others
Stop comparing yourself to others if you want to be successful. Comparisons create confusions,negative emotions and insecurities which distract you from your goal and reduce self confidence and trust in yourself.
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11. Living in the past
Dwelling in your past is of no use. Failures were your past and has nothing to do in your present. Whatever your past did to you is gone and your first concern should be your present. So stop living in your past if you want to be successful.
12. Tolerating dishonest people
People who betray you, who are dishonest, who make you feel low should not be there in your life as they are the negative forces which will pull you towards failures more and more. So try not to tolerate dishonest people in your life.
13. Lying to yourself
Stop lying to yourself. It’s of no use and leads you nowhere. You can lie to everyone except yourself because you are the only one who knows the truth much better. So, accept the truth and live with it to move forward towards success.
14. Being selfish
Successful people forgive others, share with others and praise all. They are selfless and never criticize anyone to make them feel low. So stop being selfish to be successful.
15. Too much over-thinking
Too much thinking and pressurizing yourself is a bad idea which makes you lose focus and weakens your confidence. You start imagining negative aspects more which creates fear in your mind. So, too much overthinking is not a good idea to be successful.
16. Procrastinating
Successful people are those who finish their work timely on or before the deadline. Keeping all the work for the last minute is not an ideal option to achieve success as it increases risk factor pressure and stress.
17. Expecting success overnight
Stop expecting success overnight as you can’t jump on to success with one trial. Success needs continuous hard work with full dedication and needs more patience. Overnight success exists only in dreams.
18. Overloading with extra work
Stop overloading yourself with extra work. Successful people always keep some extra time for themselves to think, analyze, figure out and plan things for achieving success. Get things done according to your capacity don’t try to be an over achiever.
19. Complaining
Stop complaining. Responsible people never complain but try to make things right by taking all responsibilities. Complaining shows the trait of selfishness which is totally avoided by successful people.
20. Giving up
Never give up no matter how tough the situation is. You should keep trying until you achieve your goal and success. Successful people never give up on things so easily. They are stubborn about their goal and will go to any extent to achieve it.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.