The Value of Big Data and How You Can Pivot Gracefully into This New Career

How You Can Pivot Gracefully into This New Career

The era of big data is upon us. As companies grapple with how to collect data about customers and product performance, they face the dual challenge of understanding what the data actually means. Many companies are pushing into strong competitive winds where any advantage they can get is much needed. Often, they hope that big data is the answer to glean insights to help both retain the existing customers or win new ones. 

In order to do that, they’ll need talented people who are capable of analyzing data by using different models to discern new meaning from it. Also, looking beyond that, staff are required to predict what may happen by using forecasting techniques based on data modeling. 

In this article, we cover how to spot an opportunity and ways to pivot into a new role around data analysis for your existing company. 

Look at What Your Employer is Doing Today

Is the company unclear or unfocused? Do they have clear future plans backed by market research or customer data providing strong indicators to back up their plans? Or are they just guessing and crossing their fingers for a good outcome?

If the latter is their reality, you could certainly begin a dialog with the appropriate people within the organization about the need to collect and analyze customer data. Market research doesn’t always have to be as expensive as companies think it will be either. 

See If the Company Will Sponsor Your Studies

Another approach to take is to discuss whether the company would sponsor part or all of the cost of taking a graduate certificate in data analytics online. It’s worth requesting because you might be surprised by their response. 

This is a follow-on course after taking a bachelor’s degree which is open to people who have previously studied statistics within a module or at college. The knowledge of stats is required because of the detailed modeling and analysis work that goes into a graduate certificate in data analytics online.

For employers who have an active interest in developing the careers of employees showing merit and/or want to start or bolster their internal data analysis capabilities, it makes a lot of sense. 

Data Leads the Way

Companies increasingly understand the huge value that data analysis offers to them. Instead of running marketing plans more or less blindly rather than being data-backed (or running focus groups that can provide misleading results); data can provide real meaning behind customers’ thoughts and past buying behavior. 

Given the potential benefits that big data can provide, it opens up the potential to save money on product development, lackluster marketing campaigns and ill-conceived innovations that don’t gel with current customer sentiment. As such, it can provide the company’s leadership with a clearer picture about where the focus of the business should be over the next few quarters. And that’s invaluable. 

If you’re driven by statistics and get excited when obtaining new findings from existing data, then pivoting to this new career makes a lot of sense. Otherwise, your natural talents might be completely wasted.


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