The Science Behind Content
Once you are clear on each of these artistic goal definitions (DISRUPTIVE), you can see that they cover the four main purposes of any form of communication, integrity, visibility, efficiency and effectivity.
Here are examples of how all the factors from DISRUPTIVE and the primary forms of communication regularly interact and bounce off each other.
The integrity of content is natural factors that define its quality and are dependent upon how digestible, structured, positive, unique and valuable it is to the audience.
These factors ensure that the message is communicated in the most appropriate way to the recipient.
Any fault in these factors will at worst mean that your content will not be understood, let alone not accepted.
The visibility of the content will impact how often it is found, how identifiable it is among its targeted audience, or amongst the noise of the internet.
These factors ensure that you find your audience and they quickly find your content. The worst case here is that nobody ever sees your content, because either they never got to see it, or they did not recognise it as useful to them.
The efficiency of the content is a measure of how reproducible, or reusable it is. This factor ensures that your effort can be leveraged and multiplied to reach different populations of your audience, wherever they are.
The worst scenario here is that all of your efforts go into one single piece of content and your total success then depends on it.
The effectivity of the content has a significant impact if this is done correctly. Though the most robust factors, they can have an exponential effect on readership. Highly influencing and engaging content will become viral.
These factors ensure that your content has energy, that it creates change in the world. The worst case and dreaded scenario is that your content is ignored entirely. It can’t be denied that this will, of course, happen from time to time, but we will ensure that it’s hard to ignore.
Science within Project Management
In managing these purposes in content, for project management or fulfilling any quality standards, like ISO 9001, some measures can be created.
Content Presentation
This depends on the purposes of integrity and visibility. It is then defining how your content is created and how it looks. There is a strict process with the need on identifying and documenting to guide any resources on how to build your content.
This is the easiest to measure and test for quality standards. Presentation is also an area where NetBet’s slots online UK excels. You will experience the exciting world of online games, where content presentation is key.
Content Productivity
Content Productivity depends on the purposes of visibility and efficiency and defines how you market it and your capacity to fulfil it with your content.
This is the easiest method for planning your resources and workload for project management.
Content Connectivity
Connectivity depends on the purposes of effectivity and visibility. You are further defining how creative and skilled your creators are in producing content.
This has the highest impact on your pricing model and resource costs but involves exceptionally skilled employees.
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