The Power of Volunteering in Later Years
This post was last updated on June 30th, 2020
Volunteering is something that has been part of our society for many years — and there’s no denying that it has become more varied and progressive over time. Interestingly, the noun volunteer was first recorded in C. 1600 as “one who offers himself for military service”, with the non-military associated version of the word being recorded sometime in the 1630s. Today, it’s clear that the definition is somewhat outdated.
You no longer need to meet the militant criteria of being fit and healthy to invest your time into a cause that you care about. Volunteering is something that has become more widespread across global communities and is the additional source of help that many people rely on. Together, with stairlift provider Acorn Stairlift we investigate further.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics latest study on volunteerism, it tends to be the older generation (65+) who are putting in more hours and are excelling with their contributions. When looking at the percentage of the population who volunteered on an average day, by age and sex, women who were 65 and over stood the highest 9.4 per cent followed by men within the same age bracket at 8.2 per cent. This comes to no surprise either, as the average retirement age in the United States is 63, giving people around 16 years in retirement, when factoring in the national life expectancy of 79.
When we looked at which states volunteered the most, the Corporation for National & Community Service found noted the top 10:
Rank | States | Rate |
1 | Utah | 51.0% |
2 | Minnesota | 45.1% |
3 | Oregon | 43.2% |
4 | Iowa | 41.5% |
5 | Alaska | 40.6% |
6 | Nebraska | 40.2% |
7 | District of Columbia | 39.8% |
8 | Montana | 38.8% |
9 | Maine | 38.7% |
10 | Idaho | 37.9% |
It’s clear to see that as you grow older, you have more free time to spare. This has undoubtedly sparked mass interest around voluntary work and allowed the older generation to make their golden years even more memorable. But what are the actual benefits, and what value does volunteering actually hold?
Combatting Loneliness
It has been reported that one in three older Americans are thought to be lonely, which is something that needs to be reduced with immediate effect. It’s no secret that loneliness can have damaging implications on both physical and mental health, so it’s crucial that the elderly keep themselves occupied during their later years to prevent this from happening. Getting involved in voluntary projects could be the answer and make for the perfect pastime.
Volunteering continues to remain a very lucrative option for the elderly, while it is also an extremely rewarding way for people to spend their free time. The Loneliness and Social Connections: A National Survey of Adults 45 and Older study claims that social engagement is important to the discussion of social isolation. Further findings revealed forty percent of people who had not volunteered in the past 12 months said that they had felt lonely at some point. This is incredibly higher than the 28 percent who had decided to devote their time to volunteering. The study also identified the difference between adults who were part of a local community group and felt lonely (26%) and those who weren’t (39%).
New Experiences
Volunteering in later years can help older people get involved in a range of different experiences that they may not have been aware for previously. With volunteering worth an estimated $167bn in 2018, it’s no surprise that 2019 boasts a whole range of opportunities for people to take part in.
The popularity of volunteering activities varied too, according to a study found on the Corporation for National & Community Service website authored by Hoang, Phuoc T. Collecting, distributing, preparing, and serving food appeared to be the most popular among Americans. This was soon followed by fundraising and the sale of items to raise money while engaging in general labour ranked third. It was no surprise that providing counselling and medical care came last, as these are more specialised areas that most people won’t be experienced in.
The same website runs a Senior Corps program, which is all about helping to meet the needs and challenges of America’s communities using resources provided by grants. These grants typically fund three different types of programs and have connected over 220,000 seniors with volunteering opportunities through:
- Foster Grandparents — Foster Grandparents are role models, mentors, and friends to children with exceptional needs. The program provides a way for volunteers age 55 and over to stay active by serving children and youth in their communities.
- RSVP — RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over. You can use the skills and talents you’ve learned over the years or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within your community.
- Senior Companions — Senior Companions provide assistance and friendship to older adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills. They help these adults remain independent in their homes instead of having to move to more costly state provided care facilities. Senior Companions also offset the responsibilities that typically fall on family members or professional caregivers.
However, there are other volunteering opportunities outside of this program that may not be aligned with the specific capabilities of this organization. This could even include overseas volunteering for example, where older people can challenge themselves to change the world. Global Vision International, is one organization that offers specialty trips for travelers over 50. These experiences could include wildlife conservations, volunteering with children, marine conservation, animal care, teaching, healthcare, and much more.
How will you be spending your golden years? Volunteering is one option that most definitely should be on the cards.
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