There are many factors that go into the making of an alcoholic. There are physical and psychological factors, as well as personality issues, and hereditary concerns.
To understand what you or your child’s chances are of becoming an alcoholic, you need to know the facts. There are some alcohol counselors and groups that say if you drink every day, you are an alcoholic, however, there are others that say if you drink every day in moderation, you are not an alcoholic.
Before you see the comfort of a drug and alcohol rehab committed to your recovery, read the following. Then you can decide to give someone a call or attend a meeting to see if it is time to cut back or stop drinking.
First, there is no one single cause for someone to become an alcoholic. There are many factors that could contribute to someone deciding to self-medicate with alcohol, and that list is fairly long. There are, however, several similar factors that could point to someone who is predisposed to becoming an alcoholic, although this short list doesn’t apply to everyone. Each person is different, with dissimilar circumstances, tastes for alcohol varies widely, as well as different psychological factors from family and friends.
Influences of Personality Traits
There are some personalities which are going to be highly susceptible to developing alcoholism than another person of the same age and social status. Individuals that do not fear or are highly motivated to take risks without worry of the consequences are likely to become heavy drinkers. These are also the people who are less inhibited and will take on more than they should.
Not only are the people with personalities known as the “life of the party” candidates for alcoholism, but so are the ones who do not blend in or speak out. Although attending parties are not always going to lead to becoming an alcoholic. Sure, if it is available
Psychological Factors
Those individuals with a pre-existing mental illness, such as depression or social anxiety are more likely to self-medicate with alcohol. This is also known as “numbing” or drowning out the voices, which may or may not be real.
Genetic Factors
This is perhaps the most accurate predictor of whether or not someone could become an alcoholic. If a person has one or more parents, or relatives that are alcoholics, they are more likely to become one themselves. This is not always the case, especially with individuals who remember growing up with an alcoholic parent and work hard not to become like them.
Personal Choices
There are many individuals that enjoy the taste of specific alcoholic beverages. Much like food, they know how to limit their intake and drink in moderation. Even if they have many or all of the factors that typically lead to alcoholism, they have the strength and willpower to avoid over-drinking. Of course, at the opposite end is someone who attends lots of parties where alcohol is readily available and they cannot resist. Everyone is different and everyone has the capacity to become an alcoholic or not.