Texting as an Excellent Support Software
When it comes to marketing and connecting with customers, text messaging is a great tool to include in any marketing strategy. This is because as effective as other strategies are, or even if you are using texting itself as a means to market, the pairing or combination of strategies helps your brand multiple those outcomes. You will find that texting can help other platforms, see more success and you retain more customer interactions.
Email marketing
There are various ways in which you can market your company or brand to the consumer. Ads and displays can only do so much as a passive way to attract and gain customers’ attention. For the longest time, companies have resorted to email marketing as a way to connect with an interested audience or target clientele. This has been a great way to communicate information regarding deals and events within a brand, but has seen some problems and drawbacks. One of the issues with email marketing is that many people who sign up to receive things like newsletters and email updates don’t in fact read them. Those emails sent out will either go unread and pushed down in their inboxes, can get automatically sorted into a spam folder, or many people have even used spam email accounts to sign up for certain things.
Texting Benefits
In comes text messaging marketing as a means of connecting with users and customers alike. With SMS getting a 98% open rate, it proves that you are getting through to more people compared to other schemes out there. This is a significant amount of people acknowledging your communication. This is because unlike emails which have to be accessed through applications or a web browser, your phone’s text messages are sent and can be directly accessed, and in most cases are seen in large part on your phone screen upon reception. Not only is your message more visible on your phone screen, but the fact that people are carrying their phones, constantly looking at their phone screens increases the likelihood of your messages getting through.
When it comes to reaching out to an audience and connecting with people, there can sometimes still be a barrier when it comes to different forms of communication. With televisions, people can change the channel, with platforms like youtube, your ad can be skipped. The simple truth of the matter with email newsletters is users can make a simple choice to never open that email, and ignore it. All of your marketing resources and energy are then wasted. With good text message marketing, your information or messages get seen even if it only for a couple seconds. The users also have to actively go into their messages on their phone to delete your messages. With text based marketing, you can get more personal with your connections.
Personal Touch
A benefit of using text based marketing as a support software is that you can pair with and cater to a person’s needs, wants, habits, etc. You can build a connection based on that person’s shopping habits, a company’s history, a client’s needs. Having your messages marketed to individuals as a way to complement other marketing tools will help your business grow with trust and understanding that you are aware of what the customer demands and are prepared to meet them and cater to them.
A customer may not always want what you are marketing. By providing deals for a customer paired with signup bonuses, they are the ones allowing you and inviting you into their space. Subconsciously, they are allowing you to market to them and by doing so, that mental barrier has been opened. Because they are the ones that agreed to receive your messages, they are more inclined to believe they need or want the products or services you provide.
After transactions
Post transaction communication is so important when it comes to marketing. After an exchange or transaction occurs, there is no time to relax, in fact, it should be one of the highlighted times where you again try to engage the customer. Reconnecting with customers is important because it provides that extra level of customer service, reinforcing the relationship you want to build professionally and in the future. You can usually thank them for their business, reminding them of the quality and care your brand takes pride in.
Marketing is not just doing one thing to bring attention to your brand. It encapsulates different means to create a bond with your customer or client where you both gain from each other. This can mean building trust and creating a community through avid communication. Texting your audience allows them to know that you want the best for them by connecting with them.
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