10 Marriage Secrets You Were Not Aware Of
This post was last updated on September 26th, 2024

Marriage is the most sacred of all relationships and whether it is a love marriage or arranged marriage, all you need for happily celebrating your marriage’s golden jubilee is love, trust, respect and care.
As your marriage date approaches, you feel butterflies in your stomach as you are highly excited to enter into a new phase of your life. You are flooded with advices from your parents on how to keep your in laws happy and how to selfless work for the happiness of your in laws and their relatives. But your attention is grabbed by your friends’ advices on how to keep your hubby or wife happy!
Moreover, rather than right advices, you get illogical advices too like don’t let your wife work after marriage, keep a check on your husband if he flirts with other women, don’t share household work with your wife otherwise you will lose your respect in your relationship, etc. Most people don’t actually get to see the true picture of a married life. They just come to know that after marriage your expenses get doubled and you hardly find time for yourselves.
But if you have such educative parents or friends who share with you some secrets of marriage so that you cautiously pace ahead in your new journey, then you are truly lucky.
For those who are getting married and instead of sharing marriage secrets, people are mocking you, then you need to read these 10 marriage secrets you were not aware of:
1. Try To Find New Ways To Attract Your Partner
You married life can become monotonous if you lose the attraction quotient. When you get to see your spouse’s face everyday, you don’t feel the same attraction as you felt earlier. This may eventually affect your love life too. So what you need to do is engage in some surprises or pranks or gifting without occasion so that you give your partner a reason to smile and think about you deeply. They will obviously feel that they are important in your life and this gives them a reason to feel attraction for you yet again.
2. Marriage Unites Two Persons But You Must Maintain Your Own Space
Whether love marriage or arranged marriage, marriage unites you and your partner together or life. This means that your lives are now not separate. Whatever you have, is now your partner’s too. Whatever you go through, your partner will be a part of it too. But this doesn’t mean that you need to cling to your partner’s shoulder at all times. You need to understand that being different individuals, you both have your own aspirations and you need to give them space to let them act independently.
3. Be Good To Your Partner
If you want to keep the romance alive in your relationship, then you need to have a flexible attitude. Instead of expecting your spouse to do things as per your wish, you must ensure that you take your first step in fulfilling all their feasible wishes. If you treat your spouse well, then they are bound to reciprocate the same attitude towards you. Marriage is a give and take relationship. You give respect, you take respect. You throw abuses, you automatically get abuses.
4. Marriage Doesn’t Fill The Empty Space In Life
If you are getting married to fill the emptiness in your life, then think once again. When you get married, you just get companionship and support to fight that emptiness in life. But you must actually find out the arena where this emptiness is being felt and must tackle it well so that you don’t have to resort to marriage for eliminating it.
5. You May Sometimes Regret Marrying Your Partner
We all are emotional beings and there are times when we get carried away with our emotions and get lost by exaggerating things. You may not really repent your decision of getting married to your spouse but there may be some adverse consequence where your relationship may hit a rough patch and this may make you doubt that you chose the wrong person to get married. Such doubts and small phases of hatred are common between couples but you need a logical state of mind to bring your relationship back on the track.
6. Having Children To Revive A Failed Marriage Is Incorrect
Most of the elders seem to be giving this not so golden advice that if you have children, then you will save your sinking marriage. But in ground reality, you as a couple are unable to have commonness in your married life and difference of opinions have distanced you from each other to such an extent that if you give this advice a try, then you may even put the child’s future in danger. Though you both may feel love for the child but for each other, the spark may or may not ignite. Think if it is worth a risk!
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7. Your Love Life May Gradually Diminish
When you are newly married, then you feel flooded with the feeling of being in love at all times. You and your spouse try to be as adventurous as possible to remain close to one another. But when you complete 5 or 10 years of marriage, then your priorities in life changes. You may get busier with your work to support your family’s rising requirements and your spouse may get too busy shuffling between work and home. As you move ahead in married life, the infatuation starts diminishing automatically.
8. You & Your Spouse Will Show Their Different Faces In Life
Your relationship cannot always be a lovey-dovey one. You cannot always put the sweet smile on your face when you are actually getting disturbed by any act of your spouse nor will your spouse do this for a lifetime. Initially, you may control your emotions but as you spend a year or so together, you start getting accustomed to their presence in your life. You may therefore, spill out your anger, frustration, feelings and thoughts outrageously and your spouse may also do the same. You gradually get to know each other and in the process, you may see new faces of your spouse.
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9. The Term ‘Happily Ever After‘ Is A Myth
If you live in the world of fairy tale and you think that marriage is the gateway to live happily ever after, then open your eyes to see married couples around you. There might be variety of couples leading a variety of married lives, but you cannot point out a single couple who is always happy. Marriage is a unique bond that you both share and being different individuals you may have your own way of living, talking, opinions and actions that may or may not be acceptable for you both. You need to develop an understanding attitude and must accept the fact that married life can be a roller coaster ride for you too.
10. Being Married Is An Expensive Affair
While you are a bachelor, it is easier for you to save money for future. If you intend to get married, then you must start saving a good chunk of your income for your future requirements. As you get married, your expenses will get doubled while your income remains the same. It is better to prepare yourself financially too, so that money matters don’t cause a frustration in your married life.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.