Surprising Things That Happen After Death
This post was last updated on May 25th, 2021
Knowing about death is kind of a mystery which is not that easy to get the idea, unless one dies and shares the experience of after death events. However, there has been a lot of scientific experimentations done to get the idea and concept of death, what happens to our soul after death and the experiences in the spirit world. Thousands of near to death experiences have revealed some facts and truths about death and after death. Many people believe that our good deeds lets us to enter to heaven and even permits us to live beside God (s) and sins and bad deeds to hell which makes us to bear all pain and punishments, which has got no truth and is a false dichotomy. Here are the facts and truths about death.
1. A complete flashback of life
When people die, this is the most mundane fact of reliving the entire life events before their eyes. The brain and mind starts a hyper speed mode video player of covering entire memory databank before the soul leaves the body.
2. Your body will be visible to you
People experience out of the body phase when they see their physical body after getting detached from the physical body when consciousness disconnects from their body. You will be able to see your surrounding happenings, people around your body, which will not make you feel scared but will fill you with frustration and anger the way you died or you could have lived some more days.
3. You will see a strong ray of light
Many people who have felt the near to death experience have to say that they have seen a ray of light. The light appears in a far distance and you will feel pulled towards it slowly and gradually. The light will give you love and peace.
4. Your dead relatives will appear
When you life gets detached from your body, you will get to see your dead relatives in a large number. Many people who had nearly died and came back to life asserted that they saw their dead relatives the grandparents, and other relatives greeting each other and enjoying quality time together like a reunion party.
5. You can see and hear
It was revealed that people after dying can hear and see their surrounding people and things but making contact with them fails terribly because they don’t belong to earth anymore.
6. You will have an assigned angel
This angels or holy spirits will guide you when you die, will make your pain less and help you get disconnected from your body and will show you the direction to go further. They will help you to encounter new things making you feel at home and will have a session with you which is a duty call to get you with a report card for your entire life that you lived.
7. You will review your life
Angels will help you to turn every page of your life events that happened when you were on earth. You and your angels will to see all of your life events which will make you feel ashamed, low and less. However, this time will not be the time of judgement, but the review to improve you as a soul and you may have some agreements with them to get back to the Earth to get some certain things done properly after spending some time in the spirit world.
8. You will feel like yourself
After death your individuality doesn’t fades away. You feel like more like yourself than you were used to be on earth.
9. You will love to be there
The peace after death with no stress, strain, bodily functions, earth rules and regulations, no suffering and no tensions will make you boundless, free and content. But reincarnation might be assigned for you to get back to the earth to help other souls or to make corrections of your previous life or even you could volunteer to come back to fulfil some of your objectives.
This study is a result of forty years if work and research with true proofs and evidences which makes this entire process much acceptable and has got sense too. The human made rituals and beliefs about heaven and hell which differentiates people according to their works and deeds to assign them to the zone they deserve have no such truthful base and hence are all nasty things and beliefs.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.