Ways to Have a Stress Free Day
This post was last updated on January 16th, 2024

Well, all of us go through some ups and downs during their everyday life. And our hectic work and life schedule gives us stressful days, even our lives have turns upside down. With so much of work, life issues and anxiety, our days have been dominated by stress from the time we get up from the bed to the time we retire to the bed at night.
But there are some ways to deal with your stressful lives full of chaos and to manage it better without getting driven by our worries and anxieties.
1. Get your control back
Every day we face challenges in our work life as well as personal life. We lose control over our boss, colleagues, customers or even family members. But, we do can gain control over our self confidence, thoughts, choices and actions which can reduce our stress, providing us with afresh and new goals for a day.
2. Generate certainty at the beginning of a day
We can create certainty by waking up little earlier in the morning and following some daily routine like exercising, meditation, yoga, morning affirmations, listening some upbeat music, hugging and kissing your spouse, or inspirational message on Youtube or Facebook is the best way to culture seeds in our brain which we can harvest the rest of the day.
3. Indulge your mind with positive voices
Many of us soak our mind with toxic and negative voices every day. So, try to indulge yourself with friends on social networking site, or at work, or smiling at a guy/girl at the coffee shop can break the pattern of negative voices and thoughts as, our emotions are infectious, be it positive thoughts or negative thoughts. Getting vulnerable to positive thoughts and activities can eliminate your stress during the day.
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4. Take 10 minutes break
Getting a break of 10 minutes seems to be useless, but if it would be utilized properly then can do wonders for you. Those 10 minutes are only for you, so try to be unavailable for everyone and everything. Use it according to you, in that way which makes you happy and light. Don’t allow any interference to break your quality 10 minutes. Listen to some soothing music or a short nap or write some positive quotes in your journal, or read some jokes, or go for a walk. Whatever it is make sure, you use it properly to reactivate you and re-energize you.
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5. Concentrate on more action
Moving forward on an assignment at work, a deadline to meet or making a call to a new customer, taking actions make us feel much better because we get some approximation of control back into our life. It doesn’t have to be exactly large scale action. It can be as small and simple. You can make a call or send an email or write a presentation or visit a customer, whatever may be, but working on something specific work and sincerely, especially if we enjoy that work, it can help us to reduce so much of stress in a day. Action give rises to positive emotion within us and forces us to leave the stress behind that comes with over thinking.
In today’s world, it’s too easy to get diverted and distracted from what’s truly essential. Stress is inevitable, but it depends on us to handle it in a right way. Remember, it’s you and only you who can fight your stress.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.