8 Genuine Reasons To Stop Waiting And Start Doing In Life
This post was last updated on August 16th, 2023
Time and tide waits for no man and you generally realise it after you reach your 40s. Time slips like sand from palms and you sit there wasting your youth following musical bands, pursuing short term courses, running helter and skelter like a headless chicken behind easy money or wasting your precious and exhaustive mind in scrolling social media site pages. You prefer to get drunk with your friends and hang out overnight at unexplored places and you think life is just perfect.
But when you reach your 30s or 40s, a flashback of your younger self will fill you with regret of not focusing on the real essence of life. You have entire life to enjoy many moments but there is a time period for knowing how you want your life to be. Facing the reality at an early age is the key to know the answers of how to shape your life. If someone has told you that best things come to those who wait, then they don’t mean that you have to do nothing and wait for good things to happen. This actually implies that you keep doing your tasks honestly and you will surely be paid with good results.
Just stop waiting, start thinking and act on your plan of action by reading these 8 genuine reasons to stop waiting and start doing in life to find out the answer for how to make your life worthy:
Take Risks
Risk taking does not really mean taking decisions where you are at a losing end. Take calculated risks and for that you need to develop quick situation analysing tactics. Putting yourself in danger without measuring your credentials is a completely flop way of living life. Build the habit of understanding the situation and your chances of taking the right decision. Analyse the possible consequences and then take your leap of faith.
If you start taking risks, you will take life as an adventure ride and the monotony in your life will vanish. You will start trying new things that will fill you with content and you will enjoy better sleep as you know that you are no more a robot and have spent the day productively. You are taking risks to live life to the fullest. Grab every opportunity you get to take worthy risks and you will definitely sail through with amazing results.
Earn Good Things Rather Than Waiting For Them
When people say good things come to those who wait, it is usually directed towards children as they need to learn to be patient. But in general terms, it must be perceived as good things come to those who wait after working for attaining it. Once you plan your actions and work for them, then you truly earn what you desire.
Though it is true that you need to be patient and must not expect results sooner. Keep back up plans ready in case your plan A misfires. Along with being patient, you must start inculcating habits that will make you successful each day. Be organized, plan your day’s tasks in advance, adhere to your plans, review your performance, keep upgrading, etc. Once you have all great habits imbibed in you, there is nothing that can stop you from earning what you deserve.
Let Bygones Be Bygones
Your past can become a demon if it holds you back from performing your best. There are many things in life that we regret about and if we are offered to travel back in time, then we would certainly rectify our mistakes. But instead of thinking of something that is impossible, focus on forgetting the past. If you have ever made a mistake, then take a lesson and forget the rest.
Emerge as a stronger person. Don’t weaken your spirit by wandering in the past memories. Your past doesn’t define you. Your thought process, way of working, thinking and acting defines what you are. Make it a point to become a better person tomorrow. If you concentrate on your present while taking lessons from the past, then you will be able to pave a path for a bright future.
Focus On Your Vision
People who waste time in waiting what is written in their destiny have no vision. An aimless journey can be very dangerous at any stage of life. By you reach late 20s, you must know what stream you love to work and where your passion lies. Your vision must be clear and accordingly you must start your quest to find resources to move ahead in the path that leads to your destination.
You must be handy with your short and long term goals and must be well planned to tackle all the possible obstacles. If you aim to be successful in life, you must prowess in the art of juggling your personal and professional life and must have a sorted mind when it comes to handling finances.
Don’t Ignore Your Inhibitions
When it comes to calculating the risks you take in life, then don’t forget to listen to your mind. Take into consideration all the possibilities before embarking into any decision. You reluctance brings into mind a thousand questions, building up a list of possible consequences if you take the intended action. Take them into consideration only till the point your inhibitions start dissuading you.
In case you are about to give a presentation to a large number of people, then instead of focusing on whether you will be able to explain them without embarrassing yourself, start focusing on building your confidence level and rehearse the whole presentation till the time you start feeling comfortable. If at all you stumble or stammer then don’t let yourself turn negative. Continue speaking with the same confidence because it is only you who will keep these small embarrassments in mind.
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Develop The Learning Attitude
Stagnancy does not define life. In fact, it is learning that makes life beautiful and worth living. It is true that you will have more and more of hectic days ahead and all you want to do on weekends is watch television and sleep for endless hours. But remember to keep your mind active in something educative. Watch educative programs too in television. Interact with friends and family and plan outings. This will not only rejuvenate your senses but will also teach you many important qualities of being a social animal.
Also learning does not just mean going for some courses or reading books. Learning from others is a quality that you must develop to improve your thought process and decision making skills. You won’t move forward if you don’t take advices from others or don’t involve people in your work. Working together is a unique learning experience that expands your mental horizons.
Get Rid Off Negativity
You stop doing what you actually need to do for attaining your desires, when your mind diverts towards negativity. When your mind is not optimistic then you tend to waste precious and scarce time in thinking about all the negative things that has ever happened to you and about the negative repercussions that may occur if you take any decision.
To move ahead in life and conquer your inner reluctance, you need to uproot negativity from your mind. Stop associating with people who discourage you or who are themselves very negative at all times. Start reading positive and motivational books that inculcate positive thoughts in you and teach you how to handle hostile situations and people. Being positive will drive you to take decisions with confidence.
Read: How To Start Living A Positive Life?
Don’t Forget To Grab Moments Of Happiness
Amidst life’s so many twists, you are supposed to take risks, listen to yourself, give time to people who love you, plan your future and even stay positive. Being put to multi-tasking, life can be made an extra-ordinary one at no extra expense, if you start enjoying every moment you have. While being busy with work, take some time out for coffee breaks or pursue your hobbies or go on adventure trips. Whatever we are doing is for the end result called happiness. So never miss out moments that can be made happy ones.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.