How To Start Living A Positive Life?
This post was last updated on February 14th, 2024

These days we are coming across many medical studies and surveys conducted worldwide that have claimed the association of major diseases with our mind.
Our psychological state plays a crucial role in our well being and thereby, medical experts are recommending to follow the four pillar lifestyle. As per this lifestyle, people must ritually inculcate these four pillars of good health by indulging in healthy diet, must regularly exercise, must have adequate sleep and last but not the least, must have a positive mental attitude.
In fact, since we are becoming busier day by day, we are bound to get stressed managing the daily challenges emerging from the juggling of tasks pertaining to work and personal life. When you have so much of work load, commitments, worries and mental blocks that rob off your mental peace, then the only thing you can do to train your psychology is by eliminating the negativity within you. Instead of wanting a change in your life, get ready to change yourself first and think about how to get motivated in the most challenging times. Your attitude becomes your biggest problem and whenever you feel you are completely messed up, then think that it is time to change your approach.
All you need to do is try and focus on things that alleviate your well being and gives you a peaceful sleep.
Presented here are some of the wonderful tips that can tell you how to start living a positive life and keep yourself motivated and energised to tackle your routine life with a new perspective:
1. Live A Simple Life
When we start chasing materials in life, our approach becomes so materialistic that our priorities automatically change. Instead of working for a happy and peaceful life, we work for acquiring the endless list of materials. This race to achieve what others possess and to show off your belongings will only add to more complications and eventually stress in life.
One of the basic things to increase positivity in your life is by stopping yourself from buying things that you actually don’t need. You must start listening to your needs and curtailing your wants. Get rid of this habit of competing with every other person who influences your mind negatively. Keep your mind uncluttered by listening to your heart. Live a simple life with simple means and focus more on sparing time for your near and dear ones who strive to keep you happy and who bring out the best in you.
2. Be Attentive Of What You Feed Your Body
These days working people in specific, prefer eating outside at irregular time intervals and the choice of food is albeit not healthy at all. Your eating patterns can have a drastic effect on your brain’s health and on your physique too. Eating junk or fried foods regularly may no doubt satisfy your taste buds but such kind of unhealthy eating will cost you a lot as you age. Your cognitive functions may get adversely affected while your digestive system may too face a tough time in finding nutrition in such foodstuffs.
This will definitely cause a downfall in your metabolism rate and you will gradually start feeling lazy, less energetic and even lethargic at times. Positive feeling comes from inside. Your body’s health internally and externally, can instil positivity in you provided you take best care of them. You will surely not feel positive looking at your beer belly or seeing yourself ageing so badly. Better, co-ordinate your eating pattern with your busy schedule by opting healthy platter daily. You can however, indulge in high calorie eating rarely. Your mind and body will surely notice the positive difference.
3. Start Exercising
For ingraining in yourself the positive attitude, you need a fresh mind that is thoroughly de-stressed. For that you need to exclude complexities from your mind. Your brain’s functioning and memorising abilities along with decision making skills improve when your mind is sorted. You can attain this only by exercising regularly. Exercising not only provides flexibility to your muscles but also increases oxygen supply due to optimum circulation of blood.
Working out at least 5 days a week provides a dual way of attaining positivity. Firstly, your brain’s functioning regularises and your stress levels reduces and secondly, you get a fit physique that keeps you feeling good about yourself. You become a source of motivation for yourself and your mind gets diverted from negativity.
4. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Besides eating nutritious food and working out regularly, you must make sure that your body is well hydrated. Researches have revealed that a dehydrated body implies poor brain functioning and this will eventually become a pertinent cause for improper decision making and diminished concentration levels. Water is a major component of the body that helps in regularising the operations of all body parts. Hence, ensuring yourself enough water supply is the best way to take care of your body and mind to enjoy best of health and increased productivity along with positivity and clear state of mind.
5. Don’t Forget To Meditate
Medical experts are saying that there has been an alarming growth in the number of patients suffering from stress, anxiety and depression across the globe. This problem is in fact, witnessed in children too. To combat the rising stress in the body, you must start practicing meditation and even inspire your children to do so. Meditation taps your spiritual side that acknowledges you of all the right and wrong things you do and this kind of self-realisation helps in evolving as a better person.
Though it is not possible to meditate like sages in ancient times, but concentrating on your body, mind and soul to connect them and segregate them from the outside world for a while is truly a stress busting experience. You can find different kinds of meditating techniques and perform them at any point of time during the day to keep stress from accumulating and to get a dose of positive energy.
Read: Why Should We Meditate Daily?
6. Practice Positive Self-Talk
No one can motivate you better than yourself. Say to yourself that no one will help you unless you try to help yourself. One of the most important ways to acquire a positive attitude is by not accepting failure until you keep trying. Don’t let failures kill your potential. Face failures with courage and be determined to defeat your fears. Every successful person on this earth has a long history of failures. But it is only through positive thinking that they were able to conquer their inhibitions.
Start practicing positive self talk today and say to yourself that this defeat is small in comparison to the feeling of achievement. Say to yourself that you are looking and feeling good and no one can criticize you or your opinions other than yourself. Self talking allows you to have a debate with yourself to zero in the best possible solution.
Read: 9 Impressive Benefits Of Self-Talk
7. Know Your Motivation
Life should be for a purpose. A person who doesn’t have any purpose in life often finds himself lonely or unhappy. Your purpose or goal in life is your motivator to move ahead in life with zest and zeal. Create your goals, short term and long term, and work hard and smart to attain them. This will give you true happiness. Once accomplished, create new set of goals and work for their fulfilment. Keeping yourself motivated through goal setting is truly one of the easiest ways to inculcate positive attitude in you. Never let stagnancy become a part of your life because stagnancy equals negativity and lifelessness.
Read: Best Ways To Stay Self Motivated
8. Practice The Smile Therapy
Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you. This has been rightly said because there is no ornament that can make you look better than your own smile. Smile is the best reaction to all situations as it keeps you light from mind and heart and helps in finding time to tackle situations in a better fashion. Stress brings anger and anger brings misery. Find out ways to keep smiling and keeping your health in best condition. Hang out with friends and family frequently and watch movies that make you smile. Make sure you wear smile while talking to people either in person or on phone. You will surely notice that you have become apt in handling hostile situations smartly without getting negative or stressed.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.