Some Interesting Facts About Roulette You Probably Didn’t Know!
Roulette isn’t called the “Queen of Casino Play” for nothing. Roulette, one of the most famous games in casinos and debatably one of the most well-known around the globe, has captivated both novice gamblers and experienced pros for decades. Since the game has been popular for several hundred years, it should come as no surprise that numerous fascinating tales and statistics are associated with it.
How much of these fun, interesting and exciting things about Roulette do you recognise, let’s find out!
Inspiration from Roly Poly
The word “Roulette” is an adaptation of the French expression “the little wheel,” and the game is said to have been influenced by French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal, who invented a mechanism similar to the Roulette wheel in 1657 and founded the mathematics domain of probability. However, lately, it is being said that the game was influenced by Roly Poly, an English odd and even spinning ball and wheel game from the 17th century.
The Beast’s Number
The Devil’s Game is a popular slang used for Roulette. If you have heard of it and ever wondered why, it is because when all of the numbers present on the Roulette wheel are rounded up (regardless of the Roulette version), the sum is 666.
If it’s red or black, there is still a 50/50 probability (apart from zero)
Only cause a black digit is hit doesn’t imply that red will appear on the following spin. In reality, the odds of hitting the very same colour ten times in a row are 1 in 1024. However, the record for the same colour’s most consecutive hits was set in Bristol, England, where some wheel struck red 36 times in a row!
22 and 17
Do you know that the number 17 is the most frequently played digit on the Roulette wheel? The explanation for this is that it is thought to be 007’s (Bond) favourite number. It is also conveniently situated in the central part of the table. Another typical number amongst Roulette players is 22, which is famously synonymous with a casino scene in the film Casablanca. But of course, all this is a gambler’s fallacy. And players are advised to tread carefully while falling for such urban legends.
Please, no alcohol at the table
Although it is appropriate to take your drink with you when playing other casino games like blackjack or baccarat, it’s a major no-no at the table of Roulette, so you may want to wait until after the game to enjoy a drink. However, no such compliance is needed when you are playing at an online casino like You can enjoy playing the game online without any such etiquette to follow. You are free to bring your drink anywhere you like. You will also be able to play your favourite casino game and earn some bonuses too, based on the online casino.
California Roulette
The state of California has several gaming rules and laws, one of which states that the only system allowed to produce winning outcomes is a deck of cards. Since the Roulette gadget is a wheel, the game is illegal in California. On the other hand, casinos also devised a way around the rule by selling “California Roulette,” which is conducted with cards rather than a ball and a revolving wheel. The game’s payouts and odds are identical to those of Roulette. The device used to collect the data is the only exception.
The guy who (practically) risked it all
English player Ashley Revell famously sold all of his personal belongings and used the resulting $135,000+ to bet it all on a sole Roulette spin at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Revell succeeded by betting everything he had on red, which most people would deem a risky play at best. But to everyone’s surprise, he won! He is said to have used his prize money to start Poker UTD, an online poker business that, ironically, went bust in 2012.
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