Snoring and How to Deal With It

This post was last updated on December 30th, 2024


Sleeping is a vital activity as it helps maintain the proper functioning of your body by refreshing your brain. However, sleeping is not as simple as it sounds, as many people are affected by issues that hinder them from getting adequate sleep, affecting their productivity levels the following day. Among the most typical sleeping problems is snoring Austin. Snoring can be viewed as a simple problem but can have adverse effects. More about it is discussed below.

What is snoring?

This occurs when the airflow is via the throat while breathing or sleeping. This makes the tissues in your tissues that have relaxed vibrate causing irritating sounds to be heard. The snoring can hinder your or your partner’s sleep. If the snoring does not disturb anyone, it can be left alone. However, snoring may also indicate a severe health issue, including:

  •         Obesity
  •         Obstructive sleep apnea due to blocked airways
  •         Sleep deprivation
  •         Problems with the structures of the nose, mouth, or throat

Snoring can also come from excess alcohol consumption before you sleep or sleeping on your back. These snoring issues can normally be dealt with by simple remedies done at home. This may also involve particular changes in your lifestyle, such as:

Get adequate sleep

You should have a minimum of several hours of adult sleep every night as professionals have ascertained it as the required amount. Depriving yourself of sleep enhances your chances of snoring. This is because it can relax the muscles of your throat, increasing the chances of airway obstruction. Snoring in itself also encourages sleep deprivation as your sleep is constantly disrupted.

Sleep on your side

Your tongue can go to the back part of the throat when you sleep on your back. This can partially inhibit the flow of air into your throat. When you sleep on your side, air easily moves in and out, decreasing or stopping the snoring.

Raise the head of the bed

Slightly elevating the head while in the bed can alleviate snoring as your airways are always kept open. The elevation can be achieved by pillows or bed risers to partially heighten the head of your bed.

Avoid or reduce the intake of alcohol before bed

It is recommended not to intake alcohol a few hours before sleeping. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, resulting in snoring. Alcohol can also interrupt your sleep in multiple ways as it makes you have shorter periods of sleep, disrupting dreaming and memory formation.

Use of a nasal dilator or nasal strips

Nasal strips can be put on the nose’s bridge to enhance the space in your nasal passage. This makes you get rid of or decrease snoring as you can breathe better. An external nasal dilator with a hard adhesive strip is placed across your nostrils on top of the nose. This reduces the resistance to airflow, making breathing easier. Internal ones put within your nose can also be used.

Snoring can irritate yourself or your partner, especially if one of you does not have that issue. For questions about snoring, visit our website, or call our offices in Austin, TX.



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