10 Smart Ways To Keep Your Home Clutter Free
Your home is the only heaven on this earth that renders you the very necessary escape from the busy cluttered world outside. But to make it the most comfortable place in the whole world, you need to keep it clean and tidy. If you are living with a family, then it becomes quite challenging to manage household chores and imbibe healthy living practices to all the members and at last, make it lively and cosy for everyone.
If you become accustomed to a home ambience filled with clutter, then de-cluttering your home can seem a mighty task. But if you are determined to keep your home clutter free, then you must follow these 10 smart ways that can prompt you to make little choices each day to keep your home organised and pleasant looking:
1. Keep A Track Of Clutter Entering Your Home
Most of the clutter comes unannounced and in minute forms and sometimes clutter comes in the form free gifts, impulsive purchases, incredibly cheap deals on furniture and items that you actually don’t need, etc. There are several types of clutter that each member of your family may invite home, which you will later repent, upon too much clutter accumulation. There may come situations where you may become compelled to let clutter inside your home, but then you always have the option to sell them out.
2. Reduce Paper Clutter
Eliminating paper clutter from your home is almost impossible but you can certainly take some steps and ritually follow it to keep paper clutter from showing up everywhere. Deal with paper clutter as soon as you see them piling and you can create a system where you ask your family members to accumulate papers at a particular place in your home in accordance with the paper category.
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3. Go For Subtle Decorations
A clutter free home doesn’t imply that you must clear up all the wall hangings, paintings, vases and other decorative items. All you need is to maintain your style statement by making logical choices in keeping and eliminating decorative items. Going for small yet beautiful decorative items can make your home look organised.
4. Start Making Donations
When moving out or participating in a charity function, people often come up with a box or two of old clothes or unused items for donation. But you don’t always need an occasion to make donations. All you need is to develop a practice of keeping a shopping bag in closet of each bedroom and ask all your family members to keep collecting all the things that they no longer need. Once the bags are full, just donate it without second thoughts and you will not only keep your home clutter free but also will help needy ones on regular basis.
5. Stop Buying Every Product Made For Organising
Many people love the idea of organising which prompts them to buy every organising product like boxes, folders, shelves, containers, etc. But buying such items without forethought and in quantities that you don’t require may actually contribute to further clutter and clumsiness. First take a note of all the organising products you have and how efficiently they are being used currently. This will give you a fair idea of what kind of organising items do you need more.
6. Keep De-cluttering Your Home
The idea is not to just sell out or donate things to keep your home clutter free but ensuring that once you get more possessions, you make space for them by selling or donating possessions that you don’t need any more. This way of de-cluttering your home will allow you to upgrade more often without creating space issues.
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7. Make A Separate Clutter Zone
You may be confused on various items in your home that may be presently lying unused. Instead of parting away with each such item, you can dedicate a particular box or drawer for keeping such junk items that are considered clutter now.
8. Keep Things Of Same Nature Together
Sometimes what may seem clutter is actually set of items that are just lying in an unorganised fashion. For keeping each and every room in your home neat and tidy, you must ensure that items like shoes, clothes, accessories, books or pens, etc. are kept at their dedicated places. Small items when scattered makes the room look cluttered, but when they stored at one particular place, it is not only easier to make the room look clean but is also easier to find.
9. Smartly Manage Your Time De-cluttering
If you are a person who finds de-cluttering a waste of time, then probably you are doing it wrong. Instead of dealing with clutter with a plan, you may be just hiding them. De-cluttering implies that you are taking serious decision about things that you no longer need. Instead of selling, donating or recycling these items, if you are just moving them, then stop getting bothered about the clutter.
10. Prioritise Your Needs, Not Wants!
When it comes to shopping, sale and discount offers are something that can lure everyone. Buying too many cookware, storage boxes, crockery, etc. and spending regularly on expensive fancy clothes as reward for yourself is something that is not only robbing you off your hard earned money but also is making your closet small. Shop for your actual needs and you will gradually start noticing the clutter that you have accumulated over the time. Have a minimalist attitude and get clarity in your mind of what your needs are and what must be de-cluttered from your home.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.