Sleep Disorder: What Are the Causes and How Get Better Sleep
This post was last updated on July 7th, 2023
Healthy sleep is so important, we notice this especially when we have slept badly. For example, we are less concentrated, irritated faster and our performance decreases. After a restless night, however, signs of exhaustion, lack of drive, a persistent feeling of drowsiness, nervousness, increased appetite, or headache can also be noticed.
At night, the body needs relaxation, for example, to regulate the metabolism, and then the body’s own cells are renewed. Our brain also processes important information during sleep and stores it in long-term memory. In order to maintain our performance, to feel rested and relaxed the next day, and to cope with everyday life, good sleep is essential. Persistent sleep disorders can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, or diabetes. If you suffer from persistent sleep disorders, you should see a doctor so that he can find out the cause and make a diagnosis.
By the way, from the age of 50, sleep problems often occur, especially for women. One of the reasons for this is the falling estrogen level in the menopause. Many people suffer from sleep problems. For example, they cannot fall asleep or often wake up at night. Here, we have mentioned the causes of sleep disorders and tips for restful sleep.
Causes of Sleep Problems
Sleep problems can have many different causes, for example:
- Noise: for example, disturbing environmental noises or the snoring of the partner
- Stress or stressful situations in work or private life
- Health problem: for example, colds or pain
- The wrong temperature in the bedroom
- Stimulant exercise before bedtime, such as a cardio workout
- An overly generous and late meal before bedtime
- Media use: for example, a disturbing film before going to sleep
- Medication
- Alcohol consumption
So, these are common causes of sleep disorder but overthinking still comes at first. We often think about all the unnecessary things and they lead to sleep problems.
Tips for A Healthy Sleep
Some factors interfere with our sleep or have a negative effect on it. We give a few tips for restful sleep:
- Create a quiet place to sleep. Noise is a real sleep killer.
- Ban mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc. from the bedroom, because they are not particularly conducive to a good night’s sleep. The blue light of the display is to blame. This is unnaturally bright and interferes with the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. Studies confirm that REM sleep can be significantly lower if you use electronic media shortly before bed
- Ensure a comfortable sleeping temperature, ideally around 16 to 19 ° C.
- Before going to sleep, try to avoid anything that can cause stress. A little meditation, yoga before going to sleep, or autogenic training can help you relax. It is best to switch to a relaxing activity 30 minutes before bedtime, like reading a book.
- Darken the room sufficiently so that you are not woken up by the disturbing light of the street lamp or at four in the morning by the rising sun.
- Take natural relaxing CBD products. Many studies have proved that CBD which is found in the cannabis plant is helpful in sleep disorder. Users can buy it from online dispensaries like togoweed in the places where it is legal. One should consult a doctor for dosage before using it.
How Many Hours Should You Sleep Regularly?
According to the US National Health Foundation, the optimal length of sleep depends on the age of the individual. In the current “Sleep Journal,” the researchers explained that adults between 26 and 64 years need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel fit and balanced. The researchers also recommend young adults to sleep 7 to 9 hours, and seniors over 65 should ideally sleep 7 to 8 hours.
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