Signs that Your Ex-Girlfriend Still Loves You
This post was last updated on March 22nd, 2024

Breakups hurt a lot. You found yourself alone all of a sudden. Your dreams and hopes for the future suddenly vanished into thin air. You imagined yourself being with your girl for the rest of your life. But she abruptly ended things one day. Read about coping and surviving breakups in this site.
When it comes to breaking up, most men, especially if they didn’t initiate the split, are still hoping that they can get back together with their girlfriends. They might let things cool down for a while, but there’s always the nagging feeling of whether their ex still loves them. Thoughts such as the following are not uncommon:
“Does she miss me?”
“Did she think of me while she’s at work?”
“Does she remember our first date when she ate lasagne?”
“Is she still fond of me?”
These thoughts and a thousand others may repeatedly run in your head until you think that you’ll get crazy if you don’t get the answers. However, hounding your ex with chats and texts will only make her avoid you. Let her make the first move and watch out for these signs.
How You Can Tell if She Wants You Back

- They are Still Keeping in Touch with People Close to You
When you go home on the weekend, you might be shocked that your ex is still playing with your little sister or calling your mother “mom,” the way she did when you were together. You might discover that she hasn’t deleted your pictures together, and she’s still friends with your relatives on social media. This means that she is not yet ready to cut you off from her life.
When she keeps in touch with the people that are close to you, this is a subtle sign that she wants to give the relationship another chance. You can also become more particular about their intentions when they start asking your friends what you are up to or whether you are dating someone at the moment.
- They Kept Talking about Nostalgic Moments

When you two decide to meet, she frequently refers to the happy and nostalgic moments that you two had together. She might want to eat cake and drink coffee all of a sudden in the café that you two frequently visit. She talks all about the good times that you’ve had experienced together, the trips that you both made, and she mentions about an event where you two were happiest together.
When your ex brings about nostalgic moments and feelings, you might want to ask her about where the conversation is going. This is because she may be trying to convince you to have a change of heart and get back to her. But try to focus on what you want. Try to think about whether going back into the relationship will be worth it and not in the fact that she still loves you.
- She Rings You…A Lot
She calls you for all the random reasons. After the break up when the anger, frustrations, and sadness have abated a bit, she still manages to contact you and tell you about a lot of things. While this is true that she might have just gotten used to talking to you the entire day when you two were still in a relationship, with her calling you a lot is a sign that she still hasn’t found someone whom she can tell her day.
There’s also a chance that your ex is dating someone new, but she’s still more comfortable talking about her problems and other issues to you. Read more about whether she wants you back or not here. When she shares her day and the important events that have happened to her, even after the relationship is long gone, this can be a sign that she is testing the waters! This can also show that her new beau is not a match with what you’ve had together
- She Suddenly Becomes Remorseful
Another sign that she is not yet over you is when she wants to talk about what went wrong in the relationship. There are always a lot of reasons why relationships end, and it always has something to do with both parties. You may have initiated the break up because you have problems with how you handle your finances.
Your ex suddenly brought up about how she was able to successfully save for a year, invest for the long-term, and do budgets. She might say sorry about the times when she disregarded your feelings or when she broke the rules of the relationship.
Getting back with your ex can be complicated. But when you are sure that your love for both of each other deserves a second chance, then you can rekindle the romance once again. As long as both of you wanted to get back together, then you should look for signs whether your ex is ready to be with you once again.
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