9 Signs That Hint Your Relationship Is A Matured One
This post was last updated on August 17th, 2015
Love truly makes you smile for no reason. When you fall in love, the world suddenly becomes very beautiful for you and the most beautiful person in this universe is none other than your partner. Your intense and understanding relationship with your partner keeps your love life ignited and you finally end your quest of finding your true love.
When you find the person who loves you despite your demerits and has accepted you with an open heart and you empathise with their feelings, then you are sure that this is the person who can bring the best out of you. You need to strengthen your bonding with your partner by sharing your deepest secrets with complete trust and you must be ready to do anything to maintain this level of trust. Everyone wants to have such a mature relationship where trust, love, understanding and care are the pillars that makes the relationship go stronger and stronger.
If you feel that you are in such kind of a relationship, then keep your beautiful smile on and read the below listed 9 signs that hint your relationship is a matured one, to know if you really fit in this criteria:
1. You Trust Each Other Completely
For any relationship to grow, you need to impose complete trust on the other person. You need to trust your spouse when he/ she goes on vacations with friends. By trusting completely means that you must not check their phones in their absence or follow them to see where they go or what they do. The moment you doubt your partner, your love for them starts fading and it will hurt a lot when they come to know about your habit of doubting them. So if you trust each other and give your spouse the required space in life, then you will successfully see your relationship blooming.
2. You See Your Relationship Moving Ahead On The Right Path
When you are in a mature relationship, you never doubt your future as life partners. In fact, imagining your future together as partners, will bring a long smile on your face and you won’t be thinking of any worldly desires. The only thing you want from the future is immense love from your partner. You just want to settle down with your partner and you have nothing or no one else on your mind.
3. You Have Less Arguments
For any relationship to be stronger, it is very essential that couples settle down on matters quickly. They must have good understanding between them and they must have good knowledge about each other’s opinions and perceptions. Couples who have frequent fights and arguments are most likely to see failure in their relationship. To have less arguments, you must avoid topics where your viewpoints differ or sometimes for your partner’s happiness, you must sacrifice your interests.
4. You Argue For Productive Purposes
In a mature relationship, couples argue for getting productive results. If you engage in arguments or quarrel on top of your voice and deviate from the subject, then no productive result can be expected. In fact, your argument must be a kind of debate that puts forward, merits and demerits of a particular matter, thus enabling you to collectively embark upon a decision. You must argue to bring an improvement in your relationship by listening to each other’s opinions and by not forcing your decision on your spouse.
5. You Have Accepted You Partner Completely
You are truly in love with your partner when you don’t intend to change your partner in any way. You have accepted him/ her with the qualities and habits they have without comparing them to anyone else. You do want to see them improving on areas where they are wrong but you need to honestly accept them with all their flaws. This is another sign of a mature relationship where you don’t expect anything from your partner. You just expect them to be the way they are.
6. You Both Have Open Communication Lines
To be in a mature relationship, you need to be best friends first. Best friends are great at communicating each and every thing to one another. Similarly, you need to tell everything that concerns you and them openly and you must not hold back any piece of relevant information. You must not keep any secrets in your relationship and must ensure to discuss anything that bothers you.
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7. You Care & Respect Each Other
While trusting your partner is very important, caring for your partner and respecting them is equally important. You must take good care of your partner at all times when they need you as caring is one of the unique ways to show your love for them. Moreover, you must respect your partner’s feelings, beliefs, cultural inclinations and their values. You must respect their career choices and must inspire them to keep pacing ahead. You must ensure that in public, you don’t do anything that disrespects or hurts your spouse.
8. You Take Decisions Beneficial For Both Of You
Now when you are in a relationship, you must understand that any decision you take will influence you both. Although, it is true that you both are different individuals with different lives and careers but you share your life with each other. So whenever, you decide on something, chose the option that benefits you both and is beneficial for attaining your future goals as a couple.
9. You Spend More Time Together
It is true that you are different individuals with different identities and you have the freedom to do whatever you wish, but you need to take care that for a long lasting loving relationship, you need to spend more time together. By doing this, you will get to know each other in a better way and your bonding with each other will augment. Your level of understanding will increase and you will fall deeper and deeper in love.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.