11 Tips To Shift Your Thinking From Negativity To Positivity

This post was last updated on February 6th, 2025

Thinking From Negativity To Positivity

How a person enjoys his life completely depends upon his own outlook, which is often influenced by his positive or negative mental attitude.

As per a study, people with positive attitude live much longer than a negatively inclined person. People with optimistic approach are less prone to suffer from stress, tension, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure as they are aware of the harmful impacts of giving heed to negative vibes.

However, it is your own choice whether you want to perceive things in a positive manner or in a negative manner. But your choice will be reflected in your attitude, personality, traits and you will face the consequences accordingly.

Moreover, many studies have concluded that in order to attain success in life and to be happy always, you need to transform your outlook and for this you just need to read these 11 tips to shift your thinking from negativity to positivity:

1. Have Faith In Yourself

To be positive in life, you need to have faith in yourself. Having faith in yourself will inculcate a feeling of respect and self-motivation for yourself and you will try your best in putting honest efforts to achieve something. Despite of your educational background, your intelligence or your contacts, it is your belief in yourself that will encourage you to keep pacing ahead. The key to achieve success in life starts from adopting a positive mindset.

2. Appreciate What You Have

Learn to appreciate what you have and keep a count of all the blessings you are bestowed upon. If you are educated, healthy, financially sound, have a good job, a loving family, etc. then you are actually richer than 40 percent people in this world. People around the world have one or two things from this list and yet many of them try to be positive. Don’t take good things for granted in life and start giving value to everything you own. Treat yourself as the most privileged one and be optimistic.

3. Define Your Goals

Most people have goals in life. Leading life aimlessly will take you nowhere. So to have a positive attitude in life, you need to understand your goals and prioritise them. Clearly define your short term and long term goals and once you do it, you will automatically start working on them. Negative person on the other hand, is unable to define his aims in life and he finds himself in dilemma at every juncture of life.

4. Eliminate Socialising With Negative People

You must make sure that you are surrounded with positivity at all times. People who discourage you and try to embarrass you should be eliminated. You should stay away from them as they make your mind take a negative turn. Often when you are worried about your financial difficulties and other issues, don’t say “Why me?”. The positivity inside you should scream out and challenge the difficulties saying, “Try Me!”

Read: 7 Techniques To Eliminate Socialising With Negative People

5. Spend Time With Yourself And Have Fun

Spending time with yourself will give you a sneak peek about yourself, your thoughts and opinions. The best person to assess your problems and to solve them is you. You just need to train your thoughts to become more positive with the passage of time and you can very well do this by doing exercises and meditation along with pursuing your long lost hobbies. Just don’t lose the fun element in life and initiate fun filled outings with friends and family to give a respite to your mind from negativity.

6. Be Empathetic

You get your dosage of positivity from yourself and your ambience. You should learn to be empathetic and keep yourself in place of people you know. Thereby, you will come to know about their worries and struggle in juggling between different priorities. Then put yourself in their position and you will understand how easy it is for you to be positive in your own life in comparison to others.

7. Paint Your Picture Of Success

Every person whether living life with a positive or negative mental attitude wants to have success in life. Success can be achieved when your mind is determined to attain them. So you need to be positive and paint a picture of your success in mind so that your mind immediately lists down the steps to reach up the success ladder.

8. Be Your Own Leader

It is your life and you need to decide whether you want to accumulate negative energies or enjoy life with more positivity. You are responsible for your own actions and for the direction your life moves. For being positive, you should take responsibility of any mishaps or unfortunate events occurred in your life. And rather than crying over it and demotivating yourself, you should stand up and take a decision to make the situation better.

9. Converse With Yourself

Talking to yourself is the best way to give a boost to your positivity. It is said that “The world is full of positive people. Try finding one. If you fail to find one, then be the one.” Positivity should come from inside and you can become more positive by being your own motivator. Start the day saying that with the start of a brand new day, you will positively progress today. Also if something goes wrong, accept your fault and promise yourself to be more cautious from next time. Learn from your mistakes and stop accusing.

10. Try To Act

If situations get worse and every attempt of staying positive fails, then try to fake positiveness. If you get demotivated, worried, nervous, etc then try to act as if you are full of motivation and confidence. Try to smile more and reveal an utterly positive state of mind to others. If you can convince others by faking your attitude, then you will successfully convince your mind too. Your mind will gradually accept the acted positive attitude and will continue to stay confident and motivated.

11. Learn The Art Of Forgiving

You need a big heart to forgive others. When someone asks for forgiveness, then if you think of taking a revenge, your mind changes to negative mode. You become stressful and you keep on thinking on the event that happened in the past. Rather if you want to be positive, you need to master the art of forgiving and you should keep your mind free from burden of revenge. Your mind will eventually feel lighter and you will feel positive about yourself.

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